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深爱[shēn ài, ㄕㄣ ㄞˋ,   /  ] affectionate [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You can also add to that list. I've lied... To the people I love the most.[CN] 你还可以往里面加上一条 我对我最深爱的人们 撒了慌 The Infidel (2010)
That I was falling for ya Falling for you[CN] 我一直深爱你 一直深爱你 A Better Life (2011)
♪ Loving that spin I'm in[CN] ~深爱这个漩涡~ My Week with Marilyn (2011)
She's devoted to you.[CN] 她深爱着你 W.E. (2011)
- They just love each other all the more.[CN] -和缺点... -他们才会更加深爱对方 The Bounty Hunter (2010)
"With all love, Grandma.[CN] "深爱你们的奶奶 致" With all love, grandma. Jungle Child (2011)
Madeleine was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend.[CN] 玛德琳是一位值得我们深爱的 妻子、母亲、祖母和朋友 Hesher (2010)
I loved her so much, you know.[CN] 我深爱着她 Shutter Island (2010)
We loved each other.[CN] 我们彼此深爱 Albert Nobbs (2011)
Your wife, your daughter, my daughter, everyone we know and love would simply cease to be.[CN] 你的妻子,女儿 我的女儿... ...我们认识且深爱的每个人... ...都将不存在 The Package (2010)
The memory of a first love, the corpse of the first man she loved, marked her existence with longings that your passion can't compete against.[CN] 初恋的回忆,那个她深爱的已冰凉的身体 是她活着的希望,你的激情是无法与之抗衡的 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
You'd rather be with a rich idiot like Nigel instead of Mikki who you are clearly in love with, evidently.[CN] 你宁愿选择有钱的白痴Nigel 却抛弃你深爱的Mikki Chalet Girl (2011)
My daughter loves you intensely[CN] 卡玛尔先生 我女儿深爱着你 Engeyum Kadhal (2011)
There is nothing more painful than feeling betrayed by someone you love so deeply.[CN] 没有什么比被你深爱的人背叛更伤心的了 The Countess (2009)
I don't need to hurt the people I love any more lt's been a pleasure to be adopted by the lp family and be your brother[CN] 我再不用伤害我身边深爱的人 能够给叶家收养 有你这个弟弟,是我的福份 The Legend Is Born: Ip Man (2010)
Most deeply.[CN] 我深爱她 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)
He's in love, and people in love do desperate things.[CN] 他深爱他的妻子 而在爱情中的人总做绝望的事情 Ham Sandwich (2011)
I really loved Kizuki.[CN] 我明明深爱着木月 Norwegian Wood (2010)
"I've always loved you,[CN] "我一直都深爱你" The Killer Inside Me (2010)
Sayuri, the most beautiful of all.[CN] 我深爱的小百合 Mutant Girls Squad (2010)
I loved you so much.[CN] 我曾经深深爱你 Shark Night 3D (2011)
I spent so many sleepless nights, tossing and turning, telling myself that it didn't matter that she's not my daughter, that it didn't matter that my wife, whom I loved so dearly, lied to me for eight years.[CN] 知道吗,多少个夜里我辗转反侧 我告诉我自己,即使她不是我的女儿也没关系 那个我曾深爱的妻子 Kokowääh (2011)
I've loved you since I was sixteen years old.[CN] 我自从我16岁的时候就深爱着你 Brothers (2009)
Your beloved Edward isn't here to save you.[CN] 你深爱的爱德华不会来救你了 Vampires Suck (2010)
That I'm in love with you.[CN] 我深爱着你 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
I love you so You scare me so[CN] 我深爱着你,你却令我恐惧 Romantics Anonymous (2010)
I love her to bits.[CN] 我在内心里深爱着她 这个小的 Cracks in the Shell (2011)
The wife I love.[CN] 那是我深爱的妻子 Double Jeopardy (2010)
I loved her deeply, and I believe she loved me.[CN] 我都深爱着她,我 相信她也深爱着我 The Countess (2009)
We love each other so much that we would all like to die together.[CN] 我们深爱彼此 愿意一起受死 An Invisible Sign (2010)
Until they killed the woman he loved.[CN] 直到他深爱的人被组织杀害 Resistance (2010)
We love the people God gives us, don't we?[CN] 我们深爱上帝给我们的人们,对吧 The Grace Card (2010)
We were so in love.[CN] 我们如此深爱彼此 MacGruber (2010)
# She just likes them boys and pleases #[CN] # 她爱她的男孩 深爱他的修养 # Goon (2011)
Well said, mi hermano.[CN] 家人是你深爱的人, 而非是否有血缘关系 Well said, mi hermano. Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (2011)
♪ Lovin' that spin I'm in[CN] ~深爱这个漩涡~ My Week with Marilyn (2011)
For only by loving you as you deserve will I become so.[CN] 因为深爱你,我的人生充满价值 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)
Devoted to me, to her husband and now to a camel jockey.[CN] 深爱着我 还有她丈夫 现在又换成了那个骆驼骑士 W.E. (2011)
A man that I've loved all my life.[CN] 一个我终生深爱的男人 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)
I'm so in love with you I don't know what to do.[CN] 我深深爱上你了 我不知道怎么办 Friends with Kids (2011)
I am your constant, faithful, affectionate...[CN] 我是你的唯一 永远的 深爱的... The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010)
Beloved mother of two children, Christopher and Dorothy.[CN] 两个孩子深爱的母亲(讽刺啊),克里斯托夫 和 桃乐兮 Beloved mother of two children, Christopher and Dorothy. Killer Joe (2011)
Because he loved your brother too much.[CN] 因为... 他深爱你的哥哥 Faster (2010)
But I would like to celebrate someone who had loved And was loved.[CN] 但是我想我们应该悼念这个 我们深爱 并且深爱我们的人 Goal! III (2009)
I am totally and utterly in love with her and I have been for ten years[CN] 我一直深深爱着她,已经十年了 Third Star (2010)
But I loved him. We have all in common.[CN] 但是我还是很爱他 而且 我们都一样深爱对方 Goal! III (2009)
Tanya fell in love with Oka when she was still in school.[CN] 塔尼娅在读中学的时候 就深爱着奥卡河 Silent Souls (2010)
Not true. She has a son she adores.[CN] - 不 , 不对 , 她还有个深爱的儿子 Pariah (2010)
Including your beloved Jessie.[CN] 包括你深爱的洁西 Riverworld (2010)
Who he still loved[CN] 一定是到现在为止还深爱的人 Paradise Kiss (2011)


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