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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, hóng, ㄏㄨㄥˊ] deluge, flood; immense, vast
Radical: , Decomposition:   氵 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [ideographic] All 共 the water 氵; 共 also provides the pronunciation
Rank: 1350

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: deluge; flood; vast
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1778

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[hóng, ㄏㄨㄥˊ, ] flood; surname Hong #7,711 [Add to Longdo]
洪水[hóng shuǐ, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄕㄨㄟˇ,  ] deluge; flood #6,824 [Add to Longdo]
防洪[fáng hóng, ㄈㄤˊ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] flood control; flood prevention #12,568 [Add to Longdo]
洪涝[hóng lào, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄌㄠˋ,   /  ] flood; inundation; flooding #21,719 [Add to Longdo]
洪灾[hóng zāi, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄗㄞ,   /  ] flood #23,411 [Add to Longdo]
洪流[hóng liú, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄌㄧㄡˊ,  ] a powerful current; a flood (often fig., e.g. a flood of ideas) #26,347 [Add to Longdo]
洪武[Hóng wǔ, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄨˇ,  ] reign name (1386-1398) of first Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋 (posthumous name Ming Taizu 明太祖) #33,678 [Add to Longdo]
洪亮[hóng liàng, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄌㄧㄤˋ,  ] resonant; ringing #34,163 [Add to Longdo]
李洪志[Lǐ Hóng zhì, ㄌㄧˇ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄓˋ,   ] Li Hongzhi, founder of the Falunggong 法輪功|法轮功 spiritual movement #34,821 [Add to Longdo]
泄洪[xiè hóng, ㄒㄧㄝˋ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,   /  ] to release flood water; flood discharge #34,960 [Add to Longdo]
洪都拉斯[Hóng dū lā sī, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄨ ㄌㄚ ㄙ,    ] Honduras #40,221 [Add to Longdo]
王洪文[Wáng Hóng wén, ㄨㄤˊ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄨㄣˊ,   ] Wang Hongwen (1935-1992), one of the Gang of Four #48,723 [Add to Longdo]
洪湖[Hóng hú, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄏㄨˊ,  ] (N) Honghu (city in Hubei) #49,271 [Add to Longdo]
洪秀全[Hóng Xiù quán, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄡˋ ㄑㄩㄢˊ,   ] Hong Xiuquan or Hung Hsiu-ch'üan (1812-1864), leader of the Taiping rebellion or Taiping Heavenly Kingdom #49,885 [Add to Longdo]
洪森[hóng sēn, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄙㄣ,  ] Hun Sen (Cambodian leader) #54,513 [Add to Longdo]
于洪区[Yú hóng qū, ㄩˊ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄑㄩ,    /   ] Yuhong district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning #55,191 [Add to Longdo]
洪泽湖[Hóng zé hú, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄗㄜˊ ㄏㄨˊ,    /   ] Hongze lake in Jiangsu province #59,177 [Add to Longdo]
洪洞县[Hóng tòng xiàn, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄊㄨㄥˋ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,    /   ] Hongtong county in Shanxi #61,777 [Add to Longdo]
分洪[fēn hóng, ㄈㄣ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] to separate flood; flood defense #62,489 [Add to Longdo]
景洪[Jǐng hóng, ㄐㄧㄥˇ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] (N) Jinghong (city in Yunnan) #71,401 [Add to Longdo]
洪洞[Hóng tòng, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄊㄨㄥˋ,  ] Hongtong county in Shanxi #75,339 [Add to Longdo]
泗洪[Sì hóng, ㄙˋ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] (N) Sihong (place in Jiangsu) #86,656 [Add to Longdo]
洪江[Hóng jiāng, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄐㄧㄤ,  ] (N) Hongjiang (city in Hunan) #87,762 [Add to Longdo]
于洪[Yú hóng, ㄩˊ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] Yuhong district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning #93,461 [Add to Longdo]
洪泽[Hóng zé, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄗㄜˊ,   /  ] (N) Hongze (place in Jiangsu) #93,713 [Add to Longdo]
射洪[Shè hóng, ㄕㄜˋ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] (N) Shehong (place in Sichuan) #100,703 [Add to Longdo]
洪雅[Hóng yǎ, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄧㄚˇ,  ] (N) Hongya (place in Sichuan) #126,640 [Add to Longdo]
洪福齐天[hóng fú qí tiān, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄈㄨˊ ㄑㄧˊ ㄊㄧㄢ,     /    ] flood of good fortune fills the heavens (成语 saw); a lucky sign #131,005 [Add to Longdo]
洪堡[Hóng bǎo, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄅㄠˇ,  ] Humboldt #132,888 [Add to Longdo]
希洪[Xī hóng, ㄒㄧ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] Gijón (Asturian: Xixón), city in northwest Spain on the bay of Biscay #201,896 [Add to Longdo]
宽洪[kuān hóng, ㄎㄨㄢ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,   /  ] magnanimous; generous; broad-minded; wide; resonant (voice) #242,962 [Add to Longdo]
宽洪大度[kuān hóng dà dù, ㄎㄨㄢ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄚˋ ㄉㄨˋ,     /    ] magnanimous; generous; broad-minded #1,021,850 [Add to Longdo]
宽洪大量[kuān hóng dà liàng, ㄎㄨㄢ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ,     /    ] magnanimous; generous; broad-minded [Add to Longdo]
暴洪[bào hóng, ㄅㄠˋ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,  ] a sudden; violent flood; flash flood [Add to Longdo]
泄洪闸[xiè hóng zhá, ㄒㄧㄝˋ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄓㄚˊ,    /   ] sluice-gate; flood discharge valve [Add to Longdo]
洪亮吉[Hóng Liàng jí, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄌㄧㄤˋ ㄐㄧˊ,   ] Hong Liangji (1746-1809), poet and historian [Add to Longdo]
洪佛[hóng fó, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄈㄛˊ,  ] Hong Fo; Hung Fut - "Hung and Buddha style kungfu" - Martial Art [Add to Longdo]
洪雅族[Hóng yǎ zú, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄧㄚˇ ㄗㄨˊ,   ] Hoanya, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan [Add to Longdo]
邓亮洪[dèng liàng hóng, ㄉㄥˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,    /   ] Tang Liang Hong (opposition candidate in Jan 1996 Singapore elections) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
洪水[こうずい, kouzui] (n) flood; (P) #7,824 [Add to Longdo]
洪牙利;匈牙利[はんがりー;ハンガリー, hangari-; hangari-] (n) (uk) Hungary [Add to Longdo]
洪水神話[こうずいしんわ, kouzuishinwa] (n) flood myth [Add to Longdo]
洪積[こうせき, kouseki] (n) diluvial epoch (geol.) [Add to Longdo]
洪積世[こうせきせい, kousekisei] (n) diluvial epoch [Add to Longdo]
洪積層[こうせきそう, kousekisou] (n) diluvial formation (geol.) [Add to Longdo]
洪大[こうだい, koudai] (adj-na, n) great; immense [Add to Longdo]
鴻基;洪基[こうき, kouki] (n) foundation of a great project; base of a great enterprise [Add to Longdo]
鴻業;洪業[こうぎょう, kougyou] (n) glorious achievement [Add to Longdo]
大洪水[だいこうずい, daikouzui] (n) heavy floods [Add to Longdo]
日洪親善[にっこうしんぜん, nikkoushinzen] (n) goodwill between Japan and Hungary [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
As cold as a flood in January.1月の洪水のように寒い。
The bridge was carried away by the flood.その橋は洪水で押し流されてしまった。
The bridge was carried away by the flood.その橋は洪水で流された。
The flood caused a great deal of damage to the crop.その洪水で作物は莫大な被害を受けた。
The flood did a lot of damage to the village.その洪水は村に大変な被害をもたらした。
The flood did a lot of harm to the crops.その洪水は農作物の収穫に多大な損害を与えた。
The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had.その洪水は彼らが体験したうちで最大の災害だった。
The village was isolated by the flood.その村は洪水で孤立した。
The typhoon resulted in a lot of flooding.その台風でたいへんな洪水になった。
A lot of houses were washed away by the flood.たくさんの家が洪水で流された。
A little heavier rain might cause a flood.もう少し雨がひどくなると、洪水の恐れがある。
The radio warned us of the possibility of flooding.ラジオで洪水の警告をしていた。
Several cottages have been isolated by the flood water.何軒かの別荘が洪水で孤立した。
The house was carried away by the flood.家が洪水で押し流された。
Several houses were carried away by the great flood.家が数軒その大洪水で流された。
The heavy rain brought floods in the valley.激しい雨がその流域に洪水をもたらした。
Floods, violent wind storms, droughts, killing frosts, and the problems of air pollution, have all, on occasion, influenced modern society.洪水、激しい暴風、干魃、霜の冷害、空気汚染の問題などは全て現代社会にしばしば影響を与えている。
The flood did great damage to the crops.洪水が、作物に大損害を与えた。
The flood began to subside.洪水がおさまり始めた。
The flood overwhelmed the village.洪水がその村を飲み込んでしまった。
The flood waters tumbled my house into the river.洪水が私の家を川に押し流した。
The flood did the village extensive damage.洪水が村に大きな被害を与えた。
The flood caused a lot of damage.洪水が大きな被害をひき起こす。
Three persons are missing with the flood.洪水で3人の人が行方不明だ。
Hundreds of fields were submerged in the flood.洪水で何百という畑が冠水した。
The house was undermined by the flood.洪水で家の土台が削り取られた。
The bridge gave way because of the flood.洪水で橋が壊れた。
Streets and houses were drowned by the flood.洪水で水浸しになった街路と家々。
The flood diverted the course of the river.洪水で川の流れがそれた。
The flood deposited a layer of mud.洪水のあとに粘土の層が残った。
The threatening floods made it necessary to evacuate the town.洪水のおそれがあって町の全員の避難が必要になった。
The course of the river has been diverted by the flood.洪水のため、川の流れが変わった。
The flood prevented me from crossing the river.洪水のために私は川を渡ることができなかった。
The flood parted them.洪水のために彼らは離れ離れになった。
The rice crop was poor, owing to the floods.洪水のため米は不作だった。
The town was desolate after the flood.洪水の後町は住む人がいなくなった。
The damage from the flood was negligible.洪水の被害はごくわずかだった。
Once the flood was fatal to the region.洪水はかつてはこの地方には宿命であった。
There were floods as a result of the heavy rain.豪雨の結果、洪水が起こった。
The crops were damaged by the flood.穀物は洪水の被害を受けた。
Man fears disasters such as floods and fires.人は洪水や火災などの災害を恐れる。
After the heavy rain there was a big flood.大雨の後、洪水が起こった。
The heavy rain brought the flood, causing damage.大雨は洪水となって被害を与えた。
A massive flood paralyzed the local transportation network.大洪水がその地域の交通網を麻痺させた。
The massive flood paralyzed the local transportation network.大洪水で現地の交通網が麻痺した。
Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters.地震や洪水は自然災害です。
Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters.地震や洪水は天災です。
The town was destroyed by the flood after the storm.町は嵐の後の洪水で破壊された。
The levee kept the floodwater back.堤防が洪水を防いだ。
The bank secured the city from a flood.堤防が都市を洪水から守ってくれた。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yes, do that. Secretary Hong. You did great work today.[CN] 就这样吧 洪秘书 今天真是辛苦了 Episode #1.8 (2012)
Contact flood secretary.[CN] 联系洪秘书 Rooftop Prince (2012)
The Chairman adores you so much.[CN] 会长多么信赖洪秘书啊 Episode #1.10 (2012)
The trickle becomes a stream and then a flood.[CN] 血滴慢慢变成血流 后来变成洪流 Sunshine and Frosty Swirl (2012)
"I'm very sorry about the flood and the fire... and the incident at the Geographers' Guild."[JP] "洪水と火事については すみません... ...そして地理学者協会の事故" Paddington (2014)
Bring him here after the floods wash open my hiding place.[JP] 大洪水の後隠れ家がだめになり ここに連れてきた Bad JuJu (2007)
You are really sly, Ms. Hong.[CN] 谢谢您 好狡猾呀 洪秘书 Episode #1.10 (2012)
Thinking there was even a remote chance--[CN] 他没有退缩 他也不是埃德・麦克马洪 居然以为有一丝的机会... The Blackout, Part 2: Mock Debate (2012)
Yeah.[JP] トンネルがあったなんて 知らなかった たびたび 洪水という The Woman (2013)
Yes, the end of the pleistocene.[JP] ああ 洪積世の終わりだ The Man from Earth (2007)
Come on...you're not dating anyone, right Secretary Hong?[CN] 洪秘书 没有男朋友吧 Episode #1.8 (2012)
Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water.[JP] アスランは知っての通り 血を出さなければ 法に従って ナルニア国の全ては破壊され 大火と洪水で滅びる The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
I wonder if the Chairman would allow you to move positions.[CN] 是吗 会长会同意洪秘书调部门吗 Episode #1.10 (2012)
He thinks the last flood did it.[JP] 洪水のせいだろうって Mud (2012)
The last time God lost faith in man he sent a flood.[JP] 以前 神は人間に絶望し 洪水を起こされた Legion (2010)
After the floods back home everything was turned upside down and Royal lost his way.[JP] 大洪水の後 家は めちゃめちゃになってた 弟は自分を見失って Bad JuJu (2007)
The crown princess is... our company's Assistant Hong.[CN] 世子嫔娘娘就是... 我们公司的洪秘书 Episode #1.10 (2012)
The Buffalo Creek Disaster.[JP] バッファロー・クリーク大洪水だ Corporal Punishment (2007)
Is it because it's a bit arrogant, thinks it's a bit better than the flood plain, or is it because of active deposition of silt in times of flood?[JP] それが威猛々しいからか 平易な洪水より少しよいか 活発な泥の沈殿のためであるか? Son of Rambow (2007)
Hong Se Na, I am sure I told you to turn in your resignation and leave the company by today.[CN] 洪世娜秘书 我好像明确的讲过 今天为止提交辞职书 悄悄的离开公司 Episode #1.10 (2012)
Flood secretary at neck he went chairman room.[CN] 洪秘书在领着他去会长室 Rooftop Prince (2012)
Why don't you answer, Secretary Hong?[CN] 快回答我啊 洪秘书 Episode #1.8 (2012)
Just in time for the flood.[JP] 洪水の時間に This Is the Way the World Ends (2011)
Less likely it'll flood and easier to defend.[CN] 不太会被洪水殃及 而且易于防守 The White Spirit (2012)
But the officers who have boats cannot get to them in many cases, because the roads are floaded to their homes.[JP] あまりの多くの要請に 対応しきれないと そして家までの道路は 洪水になっています Hours (2013)
Thank you, Director.[CN] 啊 欢迎加入 洪秘书 Episode #1.10 (2012)
The first floor's flooding.[JP] 1階は洪水だ Hours (2013)
Is flood secretary call to move house company.[CN] 是洪秘书叫的搬家公司 Rooftop Prince (2012)
Flooding expected in Miranda and parts of Cape Cod.[JP] 旅行には引き続き警戒が必要です ミランダとケープコッドには 洪水が予想されます Nor'easter (2012)
Write editorials! It takes muscles and work to stop a flood...[JP] 洪水止めるには 汗と力がいるんだぞ The Intruder (1962)
Sir Gim Hong Ryuk, is a translating official here at the embassy.[CN] 金洪庆大人 在公使馆担任翻译 Russian Coffee (2012)
There will be a big flood![JP] 大洪水が起こるそうです 2012 (2009)
The flood, which swept down Big Thompson Canyon in Colorado, was the worst since records began.[JP] 記録的な大雨は 洪水を呼ぶことに コロラドは大きな 被害となりました Rush (2013)
(Stanley) Raul, do you have a big family in Honduras?[CN] 劳尔,你有 一个大家庭在洪都拉斯? Do You Like My Basement (2012)
Flood president.[CN] 洪社长 Rooftop Prince (2012)
The tiniest crack becomes a flood.[JP] 小さな亀裂から 洪水は始まる No Good Deed (2012)
So, we built a studio in the basement of the house in the Hollywood Hills, hired Flood and began the process.[CN] 所以,我们建立了一个工作室在地下室 家在好莱坞山,中 聘请了洪水,开始的过程。 Artifact (2012)
Lately he'd been living in one of the downtown storm drains.[JP] 最近は 洪水用の 排水孔に住んでた Chinatown (1974)
Secretary Hong.[CN] 洪秘书 Episode #1.8 (2012)
The levees broke. The streets are flooding.[JP] 堤防が崩壊して 通りが洪水なの Hours (2013)
It is raining, Master Dwarf... and it will continue to rain until the rain is done.[JP] 洪水ではない 雨じゃ 雨は降り止むまで降り続くもんじゃ The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Secretary Hong. It's kimchi and side dishes that Tae Yong likes.[CN] 洪秘书 这是泰瑢喜欢的泡菜和小菜 Episode #1.8 (2012)
You know, I'm going back to Honduras, like, in a year.[CN] 你知道,我要回 洪都拉斯一样,在一年的时间。 Do You Like My Basement (2012)
First, let's try our hardest to help them grow closer.[CN] 我们首先让邸下和洪秘书搞好关系吧 Episode #1.10 (2012)
No, not fire. - Water.[JP] いや火じゃない 洪水です Noah (2014)
Secretary Hong. This is a sketchbook Tae Yong used to draw in.[CN] 洪秘书 这是泰瑢以前画的素描本 Episode #1.8 (2012)
Hurricane, flood, whatever it ends up being.[JP] ハリケーン 洪水 どんな災害にも備えろ Prisoners (2013)
I would like for you to leave this company, Secretary Hong.[CN] 我希望洪秘书能离开公司 Episode #1.8 (2012)
global warming, paradoxically, causes not only more flooding, but also more drought.[JP] 地球温暖化は、皮肉な事に、洪水を 起こすだけでなく、 より多くの干ばつを引き起こします An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
that's the day you were born, a moment of pure love between you two.[CN] τ... "瞓穝秨﹍" 碞琌ネêぱ 琌ㄢ洪稲瞷ぇ Second Chance (2012)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
[こう, kou] FLUT, UEBERSCHWEMMUNG, GROSS, WEIT [Add to Longdo]
洪水[こうずい, kouzui] Hochwasser, Ueberschwemmung [Add to Longdo]
洪積層[こうせきそう, kousekisou] Diluvium [Add to Longdo]


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