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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
防毒手套[fáng dú shǒu tào, ㄈㄤˊ ㄉㄨˊ ㄕㄡˇ ㄊㄠˋ,    ] protective gloves [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
毒手[どくしゅ, dokushu] (n) a dirty or underhanded trick [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Two mirrors of my husbanïs likeness are cracked in pieces by malignant death.[CN] 映出我先夫尊容的两面镜子 已被打得粉碎 遭了死神的毒手 Richard III (1995)
Peter won'tjust sit there[CN] 他还会再下毒手的 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
Hell hath no fury and all that.[CN] 她一气之下才下此毒手 Sea of Love (1989)
-Your own uncle. Well, let's do it right.[CN] 自己的伯伯居然下此毒手 我們把事情辦好 I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano (1999)
We gotta do something quickly... or those bandits are going to do the same to us.[CN] 我们得赶紧做点什么 要不然那帮强盗就会对我们下同样的毒手了 Navajo Joe (1966)
Keep us away from those mangy hands![CN] 上帝啊 请解救我 逃脱这些禽兽的毒手 Marketa Lazarová (1967)
This is nothing compared to what the Israelis would do to you.[CN] 比不上你对以色列人所下的毒手 Apt Pupil (1998)
If you had not, you surely would have been killed with the others.[CN] 如果不是当初你这样做 你也和其他人遭毒手了 Black Knight (2001)
Do you know how Master Shek died?[CN] 你們知不知道謝盟主遭了什麼毒手 Spiritual Kung Fu (1978)
Suenaga's men did it.[CN] 是吉永的人下的毒手 Onimasa (1982)
And with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale.[CN] 用你的无形的毒手 毁除那使 我畏惧的重大的绊脚石吧 Macbeth (1971)
I'll tell you, boss whoever it was didn't come for the money.[CN] 我认为施毒手的人不是为钱 Desperado (1995)
Just as you killed my wife.[CN] 就像你对我太太下毒手 Batman & Robin (1997)
What, all my chickens and their dam at one fell swoop?[CN] 和他们的母亲一起葬送在毒手之下了吗 Macbeth (1971)
- I wouldn't touch you with sterilized gloves.[CN] - 我不会戴着消毒手套碰你 I Wake Up Screaming (1941)
But where your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident... mine survived the British betrayal and stalin's execution squads.[CN] 你的父母有幸死于山难 我父母逃过英人的背叛和 斯大林的毒手 GoldenEye (1995)
Indisputable scientific evidence that on the night of January 20 Richard Kimble did in fact viciously attack and brutally murder his wife.[CN] 科学上的证据 百口莫辩 在1月20日的晚间 金波以毒手 The Fugitive (1993)
Tang San-yao, you're so malicious our vice will be punished[CN] 唐三要,你那么毒手 善有善报,恶有恶报 The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978)
He doesn't know your real identity![CN] 他不知道你的身份 还没有真正下毒手打你 The Fearless Hyena (1979)
I beg you. Please compose yourself for a moment.[JP] 寶毒手出しは 合しばtう こ撫用に覇凵た凵 Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011)
You must take care yourself, don't be killed[CN] 千万不要遭人毒手 The Duel (2000)
She'll keep on raging nearby.[CN] 已經有不少人遭到她的毒手! Sex and Zen II (1996)
Some holy angel fly to England that a swift blessing may soon return to this, our suffering country.[CN] 但愿什么神圣的天使飞到英格兰的宫廷里 让上天的祝福迅速回到我们这一个在 毒手压制下备受苦难的国家 Macbeth (1971)
Thou hast not half the power to harm me as I have to be hurt.[CN] 尽管你穷凶极恶对我下毒手,也伤害不了我什么 Othello (1995)
That's good, because one time when I was sleeping, the Shogun sent his soldiers for me.[CN] 那样很好因为有一次 我睡着的时候 幕府将军派了武士来对 我下毒手 Shogun Assassin (1980)
This ghetto is a pesthole of malnutrition and sickness besides, god knows what the SS may decide to do with the kids one day.[CN] 这个营区是饥饿和疾病的温床 再说,谁知道党卫军哪天 会对这些孩子下毒手 Part VIII (1989)
What treachery has Heh Lo Sha planned, speak[CN] 用毒手这么一抓 Fo tiao qiang (1977)
These just might be the fuckers that killed every living thing on this planet.[CN] 一定都是遭这些东西的毒手 Pitch Black (2000)
Brother Wing was your fiance, but with your lover, you committed the poisonous act![CN] 你竟跟情夫下此毒手 Tai Chi II (1996)
Cries of"traitor" and "gutter rat" were heard up and down the avenue... but there was never to be a death move against him.[CN] 满街都骂他是叛徒、 奸贼 但是不得对他下毒手 Sleepers (1996)
And not for food either. Why'd they do a thing like that?[CN] 他们也不是为了食物 为什么要下这种毒手 The Searchers (1956)
The boy loves me![CN] 他们要对我下毒手, 是吗? Blue Thunder (1983)
You don't know who did it, huh?[CN] 你们也不知道是谁下的毒手吧? The Naked City (1948)
Rescue that lobster from the Swedish cook.[CN] 救救龙虾... 免遭瑞典厨子毒手 Under Siege (1992)
We were injured, and some of us were killed.[CN] 我们两个受了伤 想不到几个弟兄也糟了毒手 Kung Fu Invaders (1974)
And they'll do something awful to you.[CN] 他们会对你下毒手 McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
How many butterfies have you killed?[CN] 多少蝴蝶遭你毒手 The Collector (1965)
I don't know what the fuck is in there but whatever it is, it got Zeke and it nearly go me...[CN] 我不知道洞里是什么 但齐克遭了毒手我也差一点 Pitch Black (2000)
Chun, who did it?[CN] 阿軍,是什麼人下的毒手? Zheng hong qi xia (1991)
- No, they have a good library.[CN] 我怎么会对他下毒手呢 对 The Paradine Case (1947)
If he sees Catherine as a person, not an object, it's harder to tear her up.[CN] 若他视凯瑟琳为一个人而非物件,就难以下毒手 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
I mean, Mrs. Bruckner and-- and myself, we were in danger from this man who loved Ellie Banner?[CN] 我是说 布鲁克纳太太... 和我自己险遭爱艾莉·班纳男人的毒手? What's the Matter with Helen? (1971)
Their leader is hidden in a secret place.[CN] 居無定所藥王門的掌門 毒手藥王也已經隱居 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
OF A BOTCHED THEFT, WHICH APPARENTLY TOOK PLACE 2 DAYS AGO.[CN] 是因为两天前一位小偷行窃失手痛下毒手 New Nightmare (1994)
Those good smelling flowers are poisonous.[CN] 那些花是毒手吹花聞了會吐白沫 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
The foul practice hath turned itself on me.[CN] 这着毒手也害了我自己 Hamlet (1948)
I burned all your flowers.[CN] 小師妹 你的毒手吹花已經被我燒光了 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
What if this cursed hand were thicker than itself with brother's blood, is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens to wash it white as snow?[CN] 可这只毒手涂满了我亲弟兄的鲜血 难道天上就没有足够的雨水 把它洗得雪一样白 Hamlet (1948)
I suppose it must look awfully black against Jackie, but I just know she wouldn't commit cold-blooded murder.[CN] 我想杰基一定要受冤枉了 可我知道她不会下这种毒手的 Death on the Nile (1978)
You know who did it?[CN] -你知道是谁下的毒手吗? Episode #1.6 (1990)


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