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拳打脚踢[quán dǎ jiǎo tī, ㄑㄩㄢˊ ㄉㄚˇ ㄐㄧㄠˇ ㄊㄧ,     /    ] lit. to punch and kick (成语 saw); to beat up; fig. determined to sort out a problem #30,939 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Back home the security services would be up this guy's ass with a poker.[CN] 在我家乡,这家伙会被保安拳打脚踢 而我们却放他走 The Siege (1998)
You mean you're still resorting to deadly force to get confessions?[CN] 你现在还是靠拳打脚踢审讯犯人吗? The City of Violence (2006)
Use your fists, bite, kick.[CN] 拳打脚踢加嘴咬 The Thief (1997)
He's rough on you[CN] 反正他对你不好, 整天拳打脚踢的 Gwai ma seung sing (1974)
Then I storm out, all pissed off, kicking myself for ever thinking that you could just...[CN] 然后,我会气急败坏,怒气冲冲的 对这自己拳打脚踢,只因为... The Ring (2002)
I raised him to the wall. Then they all wanted to be my friends.[CN] 我对他拳打脚踢 得到了一片喝彩声 Tyson (2008)
You catched my dance partner? It wasn't a dancing, it was assault battery.[CN] 那不是跳舞 那是拳打脚踢 Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985)
But he'd come home drunk and kick and hit Max.[CN] 可是他喝醉回家后 就对麦克斯拳打脚踢 Nightmare (2011)
There was talk that it might end in tears, and lawsuits, and possibly some broken bones, maybe child services being called.[CN] 甚至有揣测 可能会以泪收场 可能对簿公堂 可能拳打脚踢 可能骨肉分离 Friends with Kids (2011)
Is it any wonder a man sometimes went berserk and fought the hated walls that shut him in?[CN] 你知道人会对墙壁 拳打脚踢,怒吼咆哮吗? Walk the Line (2005)
He likes to give his lady friends a good thrashing now and again.[CN] 他喜欢对女人拳打脚踢 The Illusionist (2006)
Well, he hit him with his fist and bruised him all up real bad.[CN] 嗯 一开始是用拳头 后来就对他拳打脚踢 Devil's Knot (2013)
All right. Let's do this. Bare knuckles.[CN] 好吧,来吧,拳打脚踢 The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015)
Try not to kick going down, boy.[CN] 我吞你时你可别拳打脚踢 Jack the Giant Slayer (2013)
You gotta kick and punch and belt your way up.[CN] 你必须要拳打脚踢地闯出一条血路 The Damned Don't Cry (1950)
Her ex used to treat her like a punching bag.[CN] 她的前夫以前对她拳打脚踢 Resurrection (2008)
Housekeeper caught them in the act, and they put the boots to her.[CN] 女管家抓了他们个正着 被拳打脚踢了一顿 Broad Daylight (2010)
Or because you beat her.[CN] 或是你对她拳打脚踢 What Kate Did (2005)
They end up back in the room here, uh, get into a little fisticuffs.[CN] 后来 他们回到这间屋里 两人拳打脚踢起来 A ia la aku (2013)
Males box and fight each other for mating rights.[CN] 雄性为了交配权互相拳打脚踢 Asia and Australia (2012)
You didn't think I'd risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul... in a fistfight with you?[CN] 你不会真以为,我会把牵扯到 "高谭市之魂"的战斗... 全寄托在和你拳打脚踢上吧? The Dark Knight (2008)
Is that working for you, huh?[CN] 这就能打开了? 拳打脚踢? 我明白你意思 Fresh Paint (2010)
...As she was beat, slapped, kicked by anthony remini, [CN] ...任由她被Anthony Remini拳打脚踢 We're Not Friends (2014)
What can I do to make it up... To make you proud... A pity I never know...[CN] 拳打脚踢少不了 就是没拥抱 Drunken Master II (1994)
In between the beatings, the children keep coming.[CN] 拳打脚踢之中,孩子不断出生 The Color Purple (1985)
You knock 'em around enough, they'll think they did something to deserve it.[CN] 当你一直对他们拳打脚踢 他们就会觉得 他们被打是应该的 Exodus: Part 1 (2005)
He'd hit her, kick her...[CN] 他会对朋江拳打脚踢 The Twilight Samurai (2002)
Then he thought it wouldn't be much point, because she was already unconscious, so wouldn't feel any pain from the kicks or the knife.[CN] 可是后来他觉得这样做并没有什么意义 因为她已经失去了意识 也不会感觉到任何拳打脚踢或刀刺入身体的痛楚 The Lobster (2015)
When food is plentiful the males are active and courtship disputes are traditionally settled with a round or two of kick-boxing[CN] 当食物充足的时候,雄袋鼠会变得活跃 它们之间的争吵通常是以一两回合的拳打脚踢结束的 Australia: Land Beyond Time (2002)
Punched me, kicked me, told me never to return.[CN] 对我拳打脚踢 叫我别再回来 Accused (2013)
My dad drank as well and he'd fly off the handle.[CN] 我爸也常喝醉 一喝醉就拳打脚踢 Columbus Circle (2012)
The Woman You Punched...[CN] 你拳打脚踢... Opening Doors (2008)
I took every punch, so that she wouldn't have to.[CN] 每一次拳打脚踢都是我在替她承受 这样她才能免受皮肉之苦 Chapter Ten 'Six Months Ago' (2006)
He punched her. - Yeah?[CN] - 他拳打脚踢她。 Texas Killing Fields (2011)
I was kicked out of The Valmont. My parents cut me off.[CN] 我被踢出维蒙特,我的 父母对我拳打脚踢 The Longest Week (2014)
Why would you take me to a place where Asian people beat you up?[CN] 你是怎么想到把我带到这么个地方 任凭亚洲人拳打脚踢的 Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012)
Punch them, kick them, and stop the rebellion![CN] 拳打脚踢随便你们 快去阻止叛乱啊 One Piece: Episode of Alabaster - Sabaku no Ojou to Kaizoku Tachi (2007)
I particularly enjoyed your use of the word "fisticuffs"" Thank you.[CN] 我特别喜欢你用的 - "拳打脚踢"这个词 - 谢谢 A ia la aku (2013)
It's so different. Hey, a punch is a punch. A kick's a kick.[CN] 嘿, 拳打脚踢, 到哪儿都是这么回事 Kickboxer (1989)
Slap me, punch me.[CN] 对我拳打脚踢 We're Not Friends (2014)
He punches and kicks us whenever he feels angry.[CN] 他一不顺心就对我们拳打脚踢的 Marry a Perfect Man (2012)
Assault, battery, kidnap, chronic thuggery, brandishment, actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm harm.[CN] 殴打 电击 绑架 慢性谋财害命 拳打脚踢 实际人身伤害 Alan Partridge (2013)


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