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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
拍卖[pāi mài, ㄆㄞ ㄇㄞˋ,   /  ] auction #3,623 [Add to Longdo]
拍卖会[pāi mài huì, ㄆㄞ ㄇㄞˋ ㄏㄨㄟˋ,    /   ] auction #15,091 [Add to Longdo]
拍卖商[pāi mài shāng, ㄆㄞ ㄇㄞˋ ㄕㄤ,    /   ] auctioneer; auction house #150,387 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yes, yes. You will be credited after auction.[CN] 是 是 拍卖后你可以贷款支付 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
I authorize you to be the agent for the sale of all survivors.[CN] 我授权你担任 俘虏拍卖会的代理人 Spartacus (1960)
Since he hasn't paid, this gives me first call over Crassus... when she's caught and auctioned.[CN] 既然柯萨斯还没付钱 等到她被拍卖的时候 我就有权优先购买 Spartacus (1960)
Sotheby's. Half a million pounds?[CN] 苏富比拍卖会,五十万镑? Octopussy (1983)
You must bid, it's an auction.[CN] 你们必须竞价 这是拍卖会 Check to the Queen (1969)
Whatabouttheantiquesforthe auction?[CN] 最近拍卖的古董好了没有? { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH2F2F2F }{ \4cH000000 }What about the antiques for the auction? Zai sheng ren (1981)
Besides, if these girls wanna eat pies with a boy, they'll do it whether there's an auction or not.[CN] 况又、如果姑娘们想和男孩子们分享这些馅饼 她们才不在乎搞不搞拍卖 Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)
You're the auctioneer. You ain't supposed to bid.[CN] 你是拍卖师,你不能参加竟拍 Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)
Through the years, the Bullwinkle Galleries... have brought up for auction... many collections of the personal effects of your famous movie stars.[CN] 这么多年来布威克艺廊 为我们举办 许多知名电影明星个人收藏品的拍卖会 The Band Wagon (1953)
Gentlemen! Please take your seats and the auction will commence.[CN] 各位,请就坐,拍卖要开始了 Casino Royale (1967)
As I told you, tonight I'm auctioning a slave to the highest bidder.[CN] 如我所言 今晚我要拍卖奴隶 价高者得 Check to the Queen (1969)
Now let's move on to number 412 in the catalogue, one of the most valuable pieces in the collection.[CN] 现在我们继续拍卖编目412号古董 最有价值收藏品之一 Casanova 70 (1965)
Crispin's is the oldest auction house in the United States.[CN] 克里斯平是美国最古老的拍卖行 Still of the Night (1982)
Preacher Banks was supposed to be here to auction these pies.[CN] 班克斯教士本来要来这儿拍卖这些馅饼 Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)
I've been asked to preside over the sale by auction of all property belonging to Mrs. Jill McBain, here present.[CN] 我被邀请主持这次拍卖 所有属于吉儿·马克贝恩夫人的财产,就在这儿 Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
I wish I were wrong, Mrs. McBain, but you're liable to end up selling the place for a plate of beans.[CN] 我希望我是错的,马克贝恩夫人 但是你有义务结束这次拍卖,就算卖得很便宜 Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
AUCTION SALE[CN] 拍卖 The Band Wagon (1953)
It was like being auctioned off at the time.[CN] 那时候就象被拍卖一样 Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973)
Downstairs are all the conference rooms, the auction room, and the exhibition room.[CN] 楼下都是会议室 拍卖室和展览室 Still of the Night (1982)
An international auction, with nuclear supremacy goin' to the highest bidder.[CN] 这是场国际拍卖 出价最高者就能获得 核子霸权地位 Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
- What collection? - The one to be auctioned.[CN] 那些拍卖品 谁说要拍卖? Casino Royale (1967)
I declare the auction open.[CN] 我宣布拍卖开始 Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
This is the fourth egg to turn up at auction this year.[CN] 这是今年拍卖的第四个珠宝蛋 Octopussy (1983)
Come to the auction tomorrow.[CN] 明天来拍卖会 Casanova 70 (1965)
Crispin's is handling the Maddow Estate.[CN] 克里斯平拍卖行拍卖玛多遗产 Still of the Night (1982)
Perhaps this is the moment to remind Your Highness... that yesterday you promised me I could be the agent in their auctioning.[CN] 或许我该趁机提醒陛下 昨天您答应让我担任 俘虏拍卖会的代理人 Spartacus (1960)
At least here is someone worth selling, Your Enormity.[CN] 现在至少有人值得拍卖了 大人 Spartacus (1960)
Gentlemen, the auction is open. It's a magnificent specimen.[CN] 绅士们 稀世珍玩拍卖开始 Check to the Queen (1969)
I realize we're not offering California here, but 200 is damn little for all that property.[CN] 我知道我们不是在拍卖加州 但是200美元对于这块土地也太少了点 Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
Have you been to Crispin's before?[CN] 你之前来过克里斯平拍卖行吗? Still of the Night (1982)
When I heard about the auction, [CN] 当我听到拍卖的消息后 Pursued (1947)
- The man at the auction.[CN] 你就是拍卖会上那个人 Octopussy (1983)
- Yeah, I sell them.[CN] 都在拍卖了! The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
I switched it with the fake during the auction.[CN] 我在拍卖会上调了包 Octopussy (1983)
Gentlemen, I am here tonight on behalf of Le Chiffre, of whom you will have heard, to auction this unique collection of art treasures.[CN] 我今晚代表我的委托人西维 你们应该都听过他的大名 他常拍卖他精美的艺术收藏 Casino Royale (1967)
Auction? Tonight we are selling one of the finest art collections in Europe.[CN] 今晚我们要拍卖欧洲最名贵的艺术品 Casino Royale (1967)
It's being auctioned at Sotheby's this afternoon.[CN] 今天下午将在苏富比拍卖 Octopussy (1983)
I think Commander Bond should accompany you to the sale.[CN] 我认为邦德应陪你去拍卖会 Octopussy (1983)
Why, of course, of the house.[CN] -还有其他的拍卖吗? The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
James, stick to the business in hand.[CN] 多注意拍卖状况 Octopussy (1983)
We come now to the next number: 42399.[CN] 接下来拍卖的是42399号 The French Connection (1971)
In a few years, when the church's property is auctioned off, for a handful of coins, he'll pick up their land at Fondacello[CN] 再过几年当教会财产被拍卖时... 他不费分文... 就能占有马拉及冯达希罗的资产 The Leopard (1963)
- An auction at Archbury, sir.[CN] -在阿克巴里的一间拍卖店先生 Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
Come along, child. The auction is about to begin.[CN] 孩子,拍卖要开始了 Casino Royale (1967)
Lady, I'll auction off them pies for you.[CN] 女士,让我来主持拍卖吧 Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)
The cages are full. We cannot accommodate any new intakes until after Tuesday's auction.[CN] 在星期二的拍卖会举行前 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
I was at the auction of the Padoan collection.[CN] 我参加了帕多安藏品拍卖会 Casanova 70 (1965)
it even had mansions up for auction.[CN] 文明优雅到甚至有人拍卖华厦 How the West Was Won (1962)
I will entertain your bids for this beautiful bracelet, which has been donated by our hostess, Mrs. Sutton.[CN] 我会为大家拍卖这手镯 是由我们的主人瑟顿太太送出的 叫价多少 Saboteur (1942)
It'll be up for auction in the morning.[CN] 明天它就会被送到拍卖场了 Singin' in the Rain (1952)


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