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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
审理[shěn lǐ, ㄕㄣˇ ㄌㄧˇ,   /  ] to hear (a case) #4,546 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
審理[しんり, shinri] (n, vs) trial; (P) #18,682 [Add to Longdo]
口頭審理[こうとうしんり, koutoushinri] (n) oral proceedings [Add to Longdo]
書面審理[しょめんしんり, shomenshinri] (n) documentary examination [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Who will hear the case?あの事件は誰が審理するのですか。
Who will try this case?この事件は誰が審理するのですか。
The defendant was about stand trial when he grabbed the deputy's gun and shot the judge.被告人が審理中に保安係りのピストルを掴み判事を撃った。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Now I understand you must pursue all avenues of inquiry, but embracing the medical theories of laypersons...[JP] あなた方が あらゆる審理の手段を 追求しなければならない 立場なのは わかるが 素人の医学的理論を Red Lacquer Nail Polish (2013)
But after today's hearing, if you don't object.[JP] でも、今日の審理で、 あなたの反対が無ければ The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
Since her toxicology report is the only toxicology report that is admissible in this hearing, and she in fact tested positive for alcohol, is it your opinion that Katerina Marquez drank those two bottles of vodka on the plane?[JP] 彼女のレポートがこの審理で 唯一認められるもので 実際彼女からアルコール反応が出ました、 Flight (2012)
They don't appear in papers such as The New York Times.[CN] 這些審理程序屬於機密 也就是奇襲 Snowden (2016)
The proceedings therefore will be secret.[JP] よって 審理は 非公開とする The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
This trial is too important to go off the rails.[JP] さもないと 知らせるしか 今回の審理は極めて重要よ Second Degree (2013)
The first case for argument is Jewel versus National Security Agency.[JP] 最初の審理は ジュウェル氏対国家安全保障局(NSA) Citizenfour (2014)
Whatever you have to to get Ava out, because Cameron's gonna try and keep her in.[CN] 無論如何也要保Ava出來 因為Cameron會審理關押她的 Unfinished Business (2013)
Alright, today we're processing the case the Military Prosecution Service versus Claus Michael Pedersen.[JP] それでは今日審理する件は... - 軍事検察局と クラウツ・ミカエル・ペダースン A War (2015)
Pisciotta, is this statement strictly relevant to the case we are now trying regarding the massacre at Portella della Ginestra?[CN] 皮斯奧塔 你想說的話是跟我們現在要審理的 波特拉.德拉吉內斯特拉大屠殺 案子有關嗎? Salvatore Giuliano (1962)
- She cannot leave the court until...[JP] - 審理が終わるまで女は... The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
They're moving Arthur's court date up to Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving?[JP] アーサーの審理を 感謝祭の日にずらすそうだ Tower Heist (2011)
- Just for the trial.[CN] 只是在審理此案期間 Music Box (1989)
She might not even make it to the hearing.[JP] 審理に出ることも 出来ないかもしれない Dark Cousin (2012)
Mrs. Altmann, it would seem that if your case goes forward, world diplomacy will collapse, and you will be solely responsible.[JP] あなたの訴訟の 審理が進めば 対外外交は崩壊して その全責任は あなたにある Woman in Gold (2015)
He'll stand trial.[JP] なんの為の審理だ Tribunal (2015)
Please sit down, and I will provide the reasoning for the verdict.[JP] 座って下さい 審理の内容を説明します A War (2015)
We file for summary judgment. We get the judge to rule on the case now.[JP] 略式裁判を申請し 審理の即決を迫れば― Because I Know Patty (2007)
I will not tolerate one more outburst of any kind from anybody in this courtroom![JP] 審理無効を宣言します あのような常軌を 逸した行動はー 当法廷では今後 一切許しません Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
Your Honor, I submit that not one of this long string of witnesses... has any direct bearing on the case.[CN] 庭上 我認為這裏的女性證人 都和本案審理無關 Adam's Rib (1949)
Your Honor, I have a list of 87 murder cases that Cameron Dennis tried as a D.A.[CN] 法官大人 我這裏有87件 Cameron Dennis作為地檢 參與審理的謀殺案 Unfinished Business (2013)
Now, the case we'll be examining today is really quite a simple one.[JP] さて 本日審理するのは 極めて単純な案件です Ted 2 (2015)
All rise.[JP] - 第9巡回区連邦控訴裁判所 審理を開始します。 Citizenfour (2014)
What about the trial?[JP] 審理は? Smokey and the Bandit (2011)
There's something that you need to know.[JP] ショーの審理が 木曜日になったの Tower Heist (2011)
It is the finding of this court of inquiry that Warrant Officer E Ripley, NOC 14472, has acted with questionable judgment, and is unfit to hold an ICC license as a commercial flight officer.[JP] 審理の決定事項を述べる E・リプリー NOC 14472 証言は疑わしいと判断される Aliens (1986)
Having professed his innocence on all charges the accused leaves the judge with no choice but to proceed with the inquisition.[JP] 全てに無実だと公言する 被告人は審理続行以外の 選択肢はない Heart of Fire (2007)
According to the D.A.'s office, you handled his post-trial appeals, and I'd like to know where he is.[JP] A. の事務所によると あなたは彼の審理後の上訴に対処した 彼がどこにいるか知りたい Broken Dolls (2013)
It might even buy her a mistrial.[JP] 無効審理を勝ち取るかも知れん Granite State (2013)
So, the killer wanted a mistrial?[JP] すると、殺人犯は無効審理にしたがっているのか? Hassun (2014)
Then I move for a mistrial.[JP] 無効審理を要求します Judgement (2011)
And once he's dead, there's very little incentive to reopen the case...[JP] そして彼が死ねば 裁判の審理が再開される可能性は ほとんどない Silver Wings of Time (2014)
the fitness hearing got cancelled.[JP] フィットネスの審理がキャンセルされた A Love of a Lifetime (2007)
Further inquiries are pending.[JP] さらなるお問い合わせは審理中です Trojan Horse (2013)
Based on new evidence discovered by the tireless efforts of two Detectives in our Portland police bureau, that execution has been stayed pending a reopening of the case.[JP] 我がポートランド警察の 2人の刑事の不断の努力によって 発見された 新しい証拠に基づき 再審理の結果が出るまで 死刑執行は停止されました To Protect and Serve Man (2012)
Come up with me for the beginning.[JP] 始めから審理しましょう The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
The judge is gonna dismiss the case next week at his hearing. They're acting like he's untouchable.[JP] 来週 彼の審理が行われ 判事は事件を却下する Tower Heist (2011)
Earlier, the victim had left his house to testify in a murder trial in Criminal Court.[CN] 288) }早些時候,受害人離開家準備出庭 288) }為刑事法庭審理的一宗謀殺案作證 Three Brothers (1981)
Premeditated murder is the most serious charge tried in our criminal courts.[JP] 諸君は殺人事件の 複雑な審理を聞いてきた 12 Angry Men (1957)
All rise. Court is now in session.[JP] 起立 法廷は審理を開始する Free State of Jones (2016)
Grand jury made no indictments.[JP] 1月の再審理まで 大陪審は起訴をしなかった Resurrection (2014)
Because whoever he was, he will be tried for murder.[JP] 彼が誰であったとしても 殺人罪で審理される The Transporter Refueled (2015)
Well, that's odd, because Jones was deposed in a grand jury inquiry into your activities.[JP] それは 変だわ ジョーンズは あなたの活動に対する 大陪審の審理で 宣誓証言をしていたんですよ Little Red Corvette (2013)
I got the Commissioner to reopen your case.[JP] 父さんの件が 再審理されることになったの Kansas City Confidential (1952)
We have double jeopardy laws in this country.[CN] 法律禁止二次審理 Side Effects (2013)
Case ended in mistrial.[JP] 裁判は 無効審理になった Dead Clade Walking (2014)
One day they'll hold a trial over Salvatore Giuliano's death.[CN] 總有一天他們會審理 塞爾瓦托吉利亞諾的死 Salvatore Giuliano (1962)
This will be a mistrial...[JP] 無効審理にさせる The Bends (2013)
You might not last until the hearing.[JP] あんたは 審理まで 持たないかも知れない The Memory of a Killer (2003)
But he has a small army of lawyers, and I'm sure they're already putting his bail up for review. No way he'll get out.[JP] だが精鋭の弁護団が 再審理に動いてる Do the Wrong Thing (2012)


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