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大力神[dà lì shén, ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄕㄣˊ,   ] Titan #37,574 [Add to Longdo]

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Even alexander the great, [CN] 海克勒斯(大力神) 阿喀琉斯(荷马史诗) 甚至亚历山大大帝 Riverworld (2010)
- Gotta go, munchkin.[CN] -走吧 大力神 Hoodwinked! (2005)
Are you familiar with the 12 labors of Hercules?[CN] 你知道"大力神十二难"吗? (出自希腊神话 大力神成神前的磨难) The Hawking Excitation (2012)
Because...[CN] 在大力神旅客名单上 *** Hercules manifest 说这飞机是从费尔丹贝恩起飞 says that that plane took off from Fairbairn, 在东部海域转悠11个小时后 carrying the same number of passengers that it landed with, The Light on the Hill (2016)
Hercules, I see you for who you truly are.[CN] 大力神,我看你 你真正是谁。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
Hercules did it. Orpheus did it. My dad does it all the time.[CN] 大力神、睡神,我爸更是家常便飯 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
I seek a man named Hercules![CN] 我找一个叫大力神的人! Hercules Reborn (2014)
You're wrong Hercules.[CN] 你错了大力神。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
You have Hercules fight your battle.[CN] 你大力神打你的战斗。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
We know that this is probably our last opportunity to participate in a World Cup and also the last chance to the golden cup in the air to stabbing which we all our lifetime dreams.[CN] 是的 我知道 这也许是我们参加世界杯的最后机会 最后一次有机会捧起大力神杯 Goal! III (2009)
A coffee? We've never had such an incident here.[CN] 大力神火箭每隔一天就在卡纳维拉尔角发射一次 Black Sheep (2006)
We fly from Swaziland here and we drop from a Hercules cargo 'plane that's on a scheduled flight to Rwanda.[CN] 乘飞往卢旺达的班机大力神运输机 The Wild Geese (1978)
I have heard of Hercules before.[CN] 我听说过大力神前。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
You were a giant. And today, how will you fight?[CN] 你是个大力神,今天你会怎样战斗? Alexander (2004)
President Lanford just rolled in, make a hole.[CN] 大力神号飞机就在那边,随时待命 Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
Olympus at the corner of Hercules and, I shit you not, Achilles.[CN] ...在大力神和, 没跟你开玩笑, 阿基里斯之间. Hollywood Homicide (2003)
From Hercules Busts Heads, Season One.[CN] 《大力神大战三头犬》第一季 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)
Although, on their coins you get the Buddha, you get Atheni, Hercules, Shiva... the gods of everywhere between the Mediterranean and India.[CN] 在他们的钱币上你会发现佛 雅典娜,大力神,湿婆神 地中海和印度之间各地的神 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
- Titan is the largest moon...[CN] -大力神是最大的月球... The Great Game (2010)
Gotta go, munchkin! Bonsai![CN] 走吧 大力神 邦塞 Hoodwinked! (2005)
Shit...[CN] 大力神丸? Ngai chai dor ching (2009)
Hercules Busts Heads?[CN] 《大力神大战三头犬》? Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)
When he's done with them, send in the soldiers to take care of Hercules.[CN] 当他与他们做的,送的 士兵把大力神照顾。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
In the lead for hoh is Shane followed by Danielle and Ian.[CN] 好驚喜呢 大力神夫妻雙雙參賽 一點都猜不到呢 Big Brother (2000)
Hercules, be quiet.[CN] 大力神 别叫了 The Big Wedding (2013)
We ain't in no club. We got nothing in common[CN] 祝你好运 我的大力神 The Fate of the Furious (2017)
Hercules, it's been many years since our paths have crossed.[CN] 大力神,它已经很多年 因为我们的路已经越过。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
Kid went right to the bathroom and shot him. Guy was just comin' at him like Rasputin. Oh, and that kid was scared![CN] 那孩子开了好几枪,可是那家伙就像 大力神那样仍向他扑去 Mean Streets (1973)
Hercules, do not let the poison overtake you![CN] 大力神,不要让中毒 超越你! Hercules Reborn (2014)
Hercules, once and for all, who is this man to you?[CN] 大力神,一劳永逸, 这是谁的男人吗? Hercules Reborn (2014)
- Listen, munchkin.[CN] -听着 大力神 Hoodwinked! (2005)
Steady now. Steady, Atlas, steady. Steady.[CN] 不要动,别动,大力神 别动(Atlas是希腊神话里的大力神) The Look of Love (2013)
I am directly below the enemy's scrotum.[CN] 我就在大力神的下面 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Told you! We should have taken that job with Hercules.[CN] 早知去帮大力神打工 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)
She's like Lucy Lawless on her wedding day to Hercules.[CN] 他似乎是幸运的 大力神她结婚的日子。 Breakup at a Wedding (2013)
The son of a bitch was strong as hell! Like a demon with an iron club![CN] 他太强壮了 就像拿着铁棒的大力神 Kuroneko (1968)
Hercules is right![CN] 大力神是正确的! Hercules Reborn (2014)
Amanda's got him at the old titan-2 silo, sealed off in the bunker, so he's shielded from the attack.[CN] Amanda把他关在 废弃的大力神二号洲际导弹发射井里 在密封的掩体里 他不会遭到攻击 Sanctuary (2012)
Atlas the lion and the amazing Cirque Nu de Paris.[CN] 观看巨狮大力神和巴黎裸体马戏团的精彩演出 The Look of Love (2013)
- Well done. Are you better too, Ercole?[CN] - 好 你也好点吗 大力神? Girl with a Suitcase (1961)
Hercules, if you still have unfinished business with Nikos, then nothing has changed.[CN] 大力神,如果你仍然有未完成的 与尼科斯业务,那么一切都没有改变。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
The old ones say we Spartans are descended from Hercules himself.[CN] 老者们说我们斯巴达人是 希腊大力神的后裔 300 (2006)
- (CRYING) (GASPS)[CN] 阿尔克墨涅[ Alcmene ]希腊神话中大力神赫拉克勒斯[ Heracles ]之母 Hercules (1997)


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