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复健[fù jiàn, ㄈㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄢˋ,   /  ] rehabilitation; recuperate [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Good night. And better health attend His Majesty.[CN] 晚安 愿陛下早复健康 Macbeth (1971)
Education, rehabilitation, prevention... that's not significant to these reporters.[CN] 教育 复健 防治... 记者不看重这些 Traffic (2000)
The patient believes they're in therapy.[CN] 病患必需相信他们正在做复健 Do Not Resuscitate (2000)
Under her care, the Divine Rabbit recovered.[CN] 这只玉兔在她悉心照顾之下回复健康 Chinese Odyssey 2002 (2002)
Lord, restore this innocent soul's health.[CN] 上帝啊, 让这个无辜女孩恢复健康吧。 Nazarin (1959)
When she finds peace in her soul, her body will return to health.[CN] 等到她找回灵魂的平和, 她就会回复健康的, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003)
I came to help restore your pluck 'cause I'm the nurse who likes to...[CN] 我是来令你回复健康的 因为我是护士... Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
There are rumors that the osiris scarab is a life ring, Capable of granting restorative powers to its wearer.[CN] 对他的佩戴者有恢复健康的力量 { \fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122 }capable of granting restorative powers to its wearer. The Norliss Tapes (1973)
Her therapist says she's making great strides...[CN] 她的复健师说她可以跨步了 Do Not Resuscitate (2000)
As soon as you're up and about, you can go... and fight in a war.[CN] 你一恢复健康 就可以参加战斗了 Sunshine (1999)
The poor kid will have to learn how to talk all over again.[CN] 可怜的孩子得重头学说话 需要好几年的复健 Whoever Did This (2002)
You and me oughta get friendly when you're on your feet again, Dixon.[CN] 当你恢复健康时,狄克逊 你跟我应该是好朋友 Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)
First day without the training wheels.[CN] 第一天离开复健训练的轮椅 Peaceful Warrior (2006)
May God bring you back to health.[CN] 愿上帝使你恢复健康 Quo Vadis (2001)
- Robespierre's on his feet again[CN] - 罗伯斯庇尔又恢复健康了 Danton (1983)
Only one can go up to my room where I'm recovering from my sickness.[CN] 只有一个人能被允许进入我恢复健康的房间 The Face You Deserve (2004)
Really, we could help each other. Writing's good, you know. It heals.[CN] 真的我们可以相互帮助 写作有好处 你知道的 恢复健康 The Witches (1966)
And if my father's health improves, and if your duties as a soldier do not prevent it, we may see each other, if you want to.[CN] 如果父王能恢复健康 你的军旅生涯也能平安无事 就有机会再见面 The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)
Rehab, Rose, your dad.[CN] 复健、罗丝、你爸 The Song (2014)
First, she has to get well.[CN] 首先,她必须要恢复健康 Part XII (1989)
I shall recover, D'Oyly.[CN] 我会恢复健康的,多伊利 Topsy-Turvy (1999)
I am sure I should love to go sea-bathing! A little sea-bathing would set me up forever![CN] 洗洗海水浴我就会恢复健康 但我仍不为所动 Episode #1.4 (1995)
Oh, Dr. Rappaport thinks she's gonna be in rehab for the long haul.[CN] 医师认为她必须要长期复健 Cruel Intentions 2 (2000)
With Aslak's blessing Laila tried to nurse - the injured and feverish Hans back to health[CN] 阿斯拉克的宝贝女儿莱拉努力看护 让受伤又发烧的汉斯恢复健康 Sensuela (1973)
Let's just get this patient healthy.[CN] 让我们让那个病人恢复健康 Damned If You Do (2004)
"Try these pills and get well soon."[CN] "请按时吃药,赶快恢复健康" Love Letter (1995)
You must go to the South of France and recover.[CN] 你必须去法国南部,恢复健康 Topsy-Turvy (1999)
There will be ongoing physical therapy, [CN] 她要不断进行复健 Man of Science, Man of Faith (2005)
Speak the lines light and nice.[CN] 太好了 我真高兴 但你能回复健康 这比什么都重要 Hamlet Goes Business (1987)
- The horses misused by Henry Ballard... will be restored to their former condition and to your satisfaction.[CN] 亨利巴洛照顾不力马匹 将会回复健康, 你满意了吧 The Jack Bull (1999)
He still needs a lot of work.[CN] 他需要很多复健 The Matrix (1999)
I've got an injured knee. Just trying to build it up so it gets used to running again.[CN] 我膝盖受过伤,现在在复健 49 Up (2005)
You'll tend me till I'm well again.[CN] 你照顾我,让我恢复健康 然后... Robin and Marian (1976)
-lt's called Face-Saving Therapy.[CN] -这叫做心理复健 Do Not Resuscitate (2000)
How was rehab today?[CN] 今天复健怎么样? Talk to Her (2002)
To make you sane.[CN] 为了使你恢复健康. 1984 (1984)
I swear to you, as soon as Sally's well again...[CN] 相信我,当Sally... 当Sally一恢复健康... The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947)
You had several surgeries, spent weeks in a private hospital room, extensive rehabilitation.[CN] 你动过几次手术 在私人病房住院数周 大量复健疗程 Adrift (2005)
Listen, if you don't want surgery, ...the indications are that we will enter a prolonged period in which you will be more and more affected by your condition.[CN] 如果不动手术 你的复健期就会持续很长的时间 你受到期间不利的影响也越来越大 Breaking the Waves (1996)
Well, according to the book, his urge to mimic should return with his good health.[CN] 根据书上的记载,一恢复健康 它应该就会想模仿人声 Episode #1.7 (1990)
Miriam pulled through.[CN] 米莉恩恢复健康了 Summer of '42 (1971)
In a week, you'll be back in shape.[CN] 一周後恢复健康 A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
Our duty is to restore him to full health so he can hear his own neck crack when he dangles from the hangman's noose.[CN] 我们的责任是让他恢复健康 这样他上绞架时可以听到 他的脖子被绞断的声音 Far and Away (1992)
The doctor says you'll regain your health after a few months of treatment.[CN] 大夫说几个月的治疗后你会恢复健康 Typhoon (2005)
Even if I die, my place is with you on the field.[CN] 你会迅速恢复健康 Cleopatra (1963)
Every infected person will have their dosage, so you must abort the mission.[CN] 所有被感染的人都将恢复健康 你们不能炸死他们 Outbreak (1995)
She never complained of any. She did have tendencies to push herself.[CN] 她是没提到过 她积极想要恢复健康 Columbus Circle (2012)
Lawrence, I want him in good health as quickly as possible.[CN] -劳伦斯, 我想他尽快恢复健康. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983)
Doctors, rehab... physical therapy....[CN] 医生、戒毒中心、复健 The Strong, Silent Type (2002)
Well, you stick to your rehab.[CN] 唔, 你要坚持复健 Frank Goes Downstairs (2001)


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