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听筒[tīng tǒng, ㄊㄧㄥ ㄊㄨㄥˇ,   /  ] a can (loan from English tin); headphone; earphone; earpiece; stethoscope #36,272 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Sorry, speakerphone.[CN] 抱歉,免持听筒。 我是杰瑞米 Shopgirl (2005)
Cradling the phone on his shoulder, he tears up the picture.[CN] 把听筒夹在肩膀 把照片撕碎了 Love on the Run (1979)
- Am I on speakerphone?[CN] 你在用免持听筒吗? Keeping the Faith (2000)
One day she picked up the receiver, she heard a woman saying[CN] 一天,她拿起听筒, 她听到一个女人在说... After Sex (1997)
Two-way earpiece and tracking chip.[CN] 双向听筒和追踪芯片 Parity (2001)
Kept getting a busy signal.[CN] 电话一直占线,接线员说听筒没挂好... The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
No, you need an earpiece.[CN] 我当然能听见你 不是的, 在你的... 喔, 你需要一个听筒 Mission: Impossible (1996)
It's your IFB, man. Somebody got a earpiece.[CN] 是从你的听筒里,大姐 你附近有人带耳机 Smokin' Aces (2006)
All the way from Tassie.[CN] 用免提听筒 用免提听筒 Mental (2012)
Tell Devlin if Agent Vaughn isn't on the other end of this earpiece when I turn it on, the ClA gets nothing.[CN] 告诉德福林如果沃恩 在我启动的时候不在听筒的另一边 CIA就什么都得不到 Parity (2001)
I hope you haven't been poking your nose into my phone records, James.[CN] 但愿你没把鼻子伸到 我的电话听筒里. Episode #1.1 (2007)
The handset cord had been cut.[CN] -听筒的电线给切断了 Double Jeopardy (1999)
The speaker broke ages ago but, apart from that, it works fine.[CN] 而且听筒老早以前坏了 其他的倒是没事儿 I'm So Excited! (2013)
Pick up the phone, please--[CN] 拿起听筒,请 - My Normal (2009)
Hey, stop joking, let me listen to the vault[CN] 喂 不玩了 放个听筒过去听听脉搏 Once a Thief (1991)
Pick it up.[CN] 拿听筒呀 Penelope (2006)
I was at the piano and I heard the receiver and I gave up the volume and i. ..[CN] 我在钢琴,我听到听筒,我放弃的数量和岛.. Insidious (2010)
- Put it on the overhead.[CN] 接到听筒上来 Down Periscope (1996)
Now put your stethoscope on the lower lock[CN] 跟着把听筒放下来 让我听听下面的脉搏 Once a Thief (1991)
- Finally. Put him on speaker.[CN] 用免持听筒 The International (2009)
- I had the ringer off. - I don't get it.[CN] 我把听筒拿掉 我不明白 Autumn in New York (2000)
Instead, the receiver... will be turned into an actual room microphone... thus enabling surveillance to take place.[CN] 相反 电话听筒的声音 会转入麦克风里 实行监听 The Conversation (1974)
You left the receiver off the hook, Alan. Remember?[CN] 你把听筒搁着了,艾伦,记得吗? The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
Put the phone to your ear, all right?[CN] 把听筒放回耳边 Parkland (2013)
I'll give it to him. Maybe he wants to talk to you.[CN] 我把听筒给他 也许他有话对你说 Lovers of the Arctic Circle (1998)
Shouldn't be hard.[CN] 我可以拿起听筒开始打电话 I could get on the horn and start making phone calls. Castles Made of Sand (2016)
We gotta get this plane on the ground.[CN] 飞机得降落,别用免持听筒 Air Force One (1997)
Listen, I promise I'll wear the stethoscope next time we play naughty nurse.[CN] 听住,下次我们玩俏护士游戏时 我会戴着听筒 Love & Other Drugs (2010)
Hold on a second, I'll just put you on speaker.[CN] 等一下,我用免持听筒 A Good Year (2006)
- Pick up the phone.[CN] 拿起听筒 Hired Guns (2004)
- [ Tapping Receiver ][CN] - [ 听筒敲击声 ] The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
You just picking up their signal.[CN] 正好他们的讯号传到你听筒里了 Smokin' Aces (2006)
Oh, you turned your ear piece off.[CN] 你把听筒关掉了 Going Rogue (2014)
Last time, aunt Susanna put the phone on the table and she went back watching the TV...[CN] 上次苏珊娜姨妈把听筒扣在桌子上 就去看电视了 Pasolini (2014)
You should've thought of that before you put that flyer on the telephone pole saying, "Any yard for ten bucks."[CN] 那你应该在你把 "任何花园十元清理"的 传单放到电话听筒前 就先想到会这样 Wild Hogs (2007)
But if you think it might be a relative needing help, you should knock the phone off the hook with your elbow and listen to see who's on the line.[CN] 但如果你觉得可能 是某个亲戚需要帮忙, 你应该用手肘把听筒顶下来 听听是谁打来的. The Believer (2001)
Pick up the phone, you badboy.[CN] 快拿起听筒吧 American Psycho (2000)
Th-The library. Th-The receiver's off in the library.[CN] 书房,书房里的听筒被摘下来了 The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
Pick up, Lenny.[CN] 伦尼 拿起听筒 Rain Man (1988)
- [ Clicking Receiver ][CN] - [ 听筒卡塔声 ] The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
The handset.[CN] 听筒。 Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (1997)
I had to take back that phone.[CN] 我得把电话听筒抢回来 你竟然想抢走我的女朋友 Dead Man Walking (1995)
[ Handset Settles In Cradle ][CN] [ 听筒离开支架 ] The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
- It's on speaker.[CN] 开了免提听筒,我想听 StreetDance 3D (2010)
In order not to waste any time I wasn't hanging up the phone in between calls.[CN] 为了节约时间,每通电话之间 我都直接播打,不放听筒 The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Put down the phone and raise your hands![CN] 把听筒放下 双手高举 Phone Booth (2002)
You are gonna make this bet. Just use your phone, pick it up.[CN] 就打打电话 拿起听筒 好吗 Lay the Favorite (2012)
But my wife pressed it like this, with the receiver so it slipped off.[CN] 当时孩他妈说用听筒这么按 但是没按上 Children... (2011)
- Does it have little plastic earpieces?[CN] 末尾有小的塑料听筒吗 Benny & Joon (1993)
Are you okay?[CN] 她说把玉子的耳朵掀起来 把听筒放到下面 Okja (2017)


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