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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
匆匆[cōng cōng, ㄘㄨㄥ ㄘㄨㄥ,  ] hurriedly #6,752 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
烏兎匆々;烏兎匆匆[うとそうそう, utosousou] (exp) days and nights passing by quickly; months and years flying by; Time flies [Add to Longdo]
匆々;怱々;匆匆;怱怱[そうそう, sousou] (adj-na, adj-t, adv-to, n) (1) (arch) busy; hurried; rushed; (n, adj-na) (2) (letters ending with this start with 前略, 冠省, etc.) (See 草々・2) Yours Sincerely; Yours in haste [Add to Longdo]

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Poor little flower. Dropped her petals and folded her tent.[CN] 真是个可怜花 匆匆卷起铺盖落荒而逃 All About Eve (1950)
if I could let a stranger make me so, so completely, so happily...[CN] 我们匆匆结婚真是疯了 The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)
Fortnight.' You did not even notice. Do you know why I married Raymond in such haste?[CN] 你知道为什么我匆匆跟雷蒙德结婚吗? The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)
So they went shopping and hastened back into their houses.[CN] 因此他们纷纷购物 然后匆匆返家 Shoah (1985)
Mr Brandon was in the maddest rush for me to clean up and get the table set.[CN] 布兰登匆匆忙忙擦了桌子 摆上了东西 Rope (1948)
As fighter controllers, you'll be joining an organization... which, thank the good Lord... was not rushed up hastily yesterday.[CN] 作为空战航管员 你们将加入一个部门 当然 谢天谢地 这个部门并不是昨天才匆匆建立起来的 Battle of Britain (1969)
"He was in such a hurry, he just couldn't wait to get here."[CN] " 他干什么都是匆匆忙忙的, 来这儿也是一样等不及。" A Face in the Crowd (1957)
Don't rush away, pretty butterfly[CN] 美丽的蝴蝶 不要匆匆飞走 Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962)
I chose in a hurry.[CN] 我匆匆选的 Girl with a Suitcase (1961)
Always in a hurry to leave.[CN] 总是急匆匆走人 Blood and Black Lace (1964)
- He's not had his tea![CN] 你这么匆匆忙忙的要去哪里 A Kind of Loving (1962)
He came backjust now. Then he hurried to the school.[CN] 他剛才回來了一下 又匆匆忙忙的到學校去了 Threshold of Spring (1963)
And, most importantly, she should not rush things.[CN] 更重要的是 她不该匆匆做决定 La bambola di Satana (1969)
But Concetta has no doubts.[CN] 但康塞塔小姐很坚定 他的一举一动匆匆一瞥... The Leopard (1963)
Now do you mind telling me just why you rushed down to Los Angeles?[CN] 能告诉我为什么你匆匆来洛杉矶吗? D.O.A. (1949)
He escaped in a hurry.[CN] 他匆匆走了 The 10th Victim (1965)
Don't hurry back to me now[CN] 别匆匆回到我身边 Shadows in Paradise (1986)
We called him Cousin "Hurry" because he was always running someplace.[CN] 我们叫他"急匆匆"表兄 因为他总是急匆匆地赶到那个地方去 A Face in the Crowd (1957)
- I mean, a big hurry.[CN] -我是说"匆匆忙忙 High Noon (1952)
- I only just said goodbye.[CN] 我已跟你道别 且匆匆忙忙 To Catch a Thief (1955)
Martinelli left in a hurry. He hadn't turned the radio off.[CN] 马蒂内利匆匆离去 他没有关掉无线电 Dead Reckoning (1947)
Troops have been rushed across the Potomac River from Fort Myer and have thrown a cordon around the ship.[CN] 军队已经从梅尔堡跨过波托马克河匆匆赶来 在飞船附近设下警戒线 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Spring was approaching with haste.[CN] 春天匆匆而来了 Marketa Lazarová (1967)
Dressler says a porter at Pier 41 took his bag, threw it in this cab, the porter disappeared and the cab dug out fast.[CN] 德雷斯 勒说,在41号码头的一个门童 把他的皮包扔进这辆出租车 门童不见了,计程车匆匆离开 这就是目击者的陈述 The Lineup (1958)
Everybody running, in a hurry.[CN] 人人都是这么匆匆忙忙 劳碌奔波 Letter Never Sent (1960)
I told her to go slow, but, no, life was too short for her.[CN] 我叫她别吃太多,以免影响健康 但她竟然如此匆匆辞世 The Naked City (1948)
One's life is so fragile...[CN] 人生确是匆匆 A Mother Should Be Loved (1934)
- You were in a hurry to get the pattern so you probably walked quickly past the closed door, yet you are sure you heard Leonard Vole's voice?[CN] - 你急着回去拿图样, 所以你想必是 匆匆地走过了那扇房门, 而你却一口咬定 你听见的是伦纳德·沃尔的声音? Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
They're all in a hurry.[CN] 他们都急匆匆地 Il Posto (1961)
- OK. - You left in a hurry?[CN] 还好 你匆匆离家? To Catch a Thief (1955)
You don't see it much in the daytime when everybody's hustling around, rushing from where they is to where they ain't.[CN] 白天每个人走在忙忙碌碌, 从他们在的地方急匆匆赶到他们不在的地方, 你是看不到的 A Face in the Crowd (1957)
I knew families at home would be getting up on frosty mornings driving their sons to a place of hurried goodbye.[CN] 我知道在家乡家属们会在霜冻的早晨起来... 开车送他们的儿子去一个匆匆告别的地方 Peyton Place (1957)
She hopes she's put in the right things. It's been such a rush, especially with Miss Carol not back yet.[CN] 但愿该带的都齐全,匆匆忙忙的 Foreign Correspondent (1940)
She left in such a hurry, she must have forgotten to return it to you, Miss Russell.[CN] 她匆匆忙忙离开了 她肯定是忘了 She left in such a hurry, she must have forgotten 把这本书还给你 罗素小姐 to return it to you, Miss Russell. The City of the Dead (1960)
Got you down in a hurry.[CN] 匆匆忙忙让您下来了 A Face in the Crowd (1957)
But when I was whisking out to do shopping, he suddenly told me to take the whole afternoon for it.[CN] 但是 当我匆匆忙忙赶出去买东西时 他突然告诉我 整个下午都不要回来 Rope (1948)
Martinelli really had hauled freight in a hurry.[CN] 马蒂内利真的匆匆被叫走了 Dead Reckoning (1947)
He went out just now.[CN] 他匆匆忙忙的,从后门出去了 The Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family (1941)
Just sit here. Watch 'em come and go.[CN] 坐在这看著他们来去匆匆 Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
And, Edith, as you're not in the navy, it's unnecessary to do everything at the double.[CN] 还有伊迪丝 既然你从海军退役了,就没必要匆匆忙忙 Blithe Spirit (1945)
This one time, we were leaving a Missouri town in quite a hurry.[CN] 有一次,我们匆匆忙忙地离开密苏里的一个小镇。 Silverado (1985)
- Where were you hurrying to last night?[CN] -你昨晚匆匆忙忙去哪 Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
Where to in such a hurry, my angels?[CN] 我的天使们,急匆匆的要去哪里啊? 99 Women (1969)
On our show next week, "the passersby."[CN] 下集名为「过客匆匆」 The Shelter (1961)
Hurry on sundown[CN] 匆匆日落 Wild River (1960)
However, all reputable scientists warn againstjumping to hasty conclusions.[CN] 然而所有的科学家都反对匆匆下结论 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Hank's always in a hurry.[CN] 汉克总是急匆匆的 Storm Warning (1951)
- Well, that's screwy![CN] 然后匆匆忙忙赶回码头 ―胡说! Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)
Kane and his new wife just took off in a big hurry.[CN] 凯恩和他的新婚妻子匆匆忙忙地走了 High Noon (1952)


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