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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
下着[したぎ, shitagi] ชุดชั้นใน

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
下着[したぎ, shitagi] (n) underwear; (P) #13,792 [Add to Longdo]
下着類[したぎるい, shitagirui] (n) underclothes [Add to Longdo]
勝負下着[しょうぶしたぎ, shoubushitagi] (n) (sl) "lucky" underwear (esp. panties), set aside for special dates [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Don't wash your dirty linen in public.汚い下着を人前で洗うな。
You can wear your undershirt.下着は着けたままでいいですよ。
I got soaked to the skin.下着までビショビショです。
I'm pleased with my new underwear.私は新しい下着が気に入っている。
We're going to buy underwear. You're still going around pantless aren't you?下着を買いに行くんだよ。お前、まだノーパンだろうが。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Would... Would you stop... hold on just a second, okay?[JP] 全裸とは言ってねえ 下着を付けてた Code Name: The Cleaner (2007)
We were in a foxhole. It was cold and snowing.[CN] 当时我们在战壕里, 天下着大雪,非常寒冷 What's with Robert? (2000)
It was a downpour.[CN] 当时下着大雨 Big Girls Don't Cry (2000)
Yesterday, that one was in my underwear drawer.[JP] 昨日、その1だった 私の下着の引き出しの中。 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
I was saying that the rain was on, all the time.[CN] 我就说雨正下着, 一直都在下 I was saying that the rain was on, all the time. We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
He stole her underwear.[JP] 下着だぞ! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
- Let's go. - Don't you see how it's raining?[CN] 我们走 外面下着雨 Life Is Beautiful (1997)
It was dark and raining.[CN] 天色很暗 又下着雨 A Brief History of Time (1991)
The last time there was a downpour.[CN] 上一次... ... 下着大雨 The Double Life of Véronique (1991)
And it was raining.[CN] 下着雨 Men in Black II (2002)
There was a rainstorm.[CN] 那天下着大暴雨 Postmen in the Mountains (1999)
It was raining.[CN] 又黑又暗,还下着雨 Manhattan (1979)
Guys like calvin klein g-string ad girls. I wear boxers.[JP] 男ウケのする下着よりも ボクサーショーツが好きだ My First Mister (2001)
I could've cried with a rain like today it was a sunny day the future had no meaning[CN] 如果那天下着雨 我一定哭得出来 那可真是个 过分晴朗的一天啊 我曾以为不需要什么未来 Ritual (2000)
Do you want to get changed, put on some shorts?[JP] きれいな下着に はきかえる? The Boys Are Back (2009)
- His underwear? Visible above the waistline. Very particular brand.[JP] 彼の下着は 特殊なブランドの物なんだ The Great Game (2010)
He stole your underwear.[JP] 奴は彼女の下着を盗んだ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Since always. That's why I never buy any soap, or deodorant, or socks, or anything like that, you know?[JP] 最初からさ 石けん代や 下着代もケチってきた The End (1988)
The slightest sound can be heard.[CN] 在这样下着雪的静夜 Nichiro sensô shôri no hishi: Tekichû ôdan sanbyaku-ri (1957)
You're pregnant.[CN] 外面下着雨,你跑出去干嘛? A Man Called Hero (1999)
My husband's off somewhere, and it's raining outside and we're both drinking now.[CN] 我丈夫在休假 外头下着雨 而我们两个都在喝酒 From Here to Eternity (1953)
Haven't you seen anybody in a slip before?[JP] 女の下着姿を見たことは? The Graduate (1967)
* Sometimes it rains inside my head *[CN] * 有时候我脑里正下着大雨 * The Crow (1994)
You should wear your warm underwear today.[JP] 今日は温かい下着を Gosford Park (2001)
I mean, they were clean and all.[JP] キレイな下着だぜ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
It's pouring![CN] 你看下着这么大的雨 Goddess of Mercy (2003)
7.2 inches. Snow that day.[CN] 积雪7.2寸 那天下着雪 Rain Man (1988)
He passed an advertisement for a Wonderbra... then crashed straight into a tree.[JP] 下着の広告看板を 通り過ぎて 木に真正面から 突っ込んだのだ Hideaways (2011)
Aye, let's call on Denny early, before he is dressed. What a shock he will get![JP] 早めに行って下着姿の デニーを見ちゃおう Pride and Prejudice (1995)
It's raining now. You'll come down with a terrible fever![CN] 现在下着雨,你会淋出病来 Life Is Beautiful (1997)
It's raining.[CN] 下着雨 The Player (1992)
Do like you did that night, in the snow, he had...[CN] 像你那天晚上那样 下着雪,他... 就像是 A Simple Plan (1998)
It was dark, raining.[CN] 外面一片漆黑 下着雨 The Naval Treaty (1984)
The night it was raining... and I made you an umbrella out of a pillow![CN] 那晚下着雨 我用枕头给你遮雨 Life Is Beautiful (1997)
Well, I'd really like to meet Lisa sometime... beside the brief encounter in her underwear.[JP] 私もリサには会いたいわ またそのうちに でも下着姿の彼女に出くわすのは... Heretic's Fork (2010)
Have you seen my white pants?[JP] 白い下着を見たか Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
I told you to go back but you didn't want to.[CN] ...还下着雨 我告诉你让你回家... Burnt by the Sun (1994)
And it's raining![CN] - 还下着雨! The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
What the hell are you doing in your underwear?[JP] 下着姿で何してんだ? Youth in Revolt (2009)
Where are my white pants?[JP] 私の白い下着は? Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
It was a drizzly day, and there had been hardly anyone on deck.[CN] 那天下着小雨,甲板上一个人都没有 Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997)
Snow.[CN] 下着雪 The Station Agent (2003)
Maybe if you stop stealing their panties.[JP] 下着泥棒はやめろ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Not so good with ladies' undergarments.[JP] 女性の下着の扱いはダメ? Hitman (2007)
When he saw that. he felt this was the business for him[JP] おまけにスーツケースには 絹の下着が入っていたらしい Metro ni notte (2006)
I managed to find a woman's dress but I couldn't find a stitch of underwear.[JP] ドレスもあったし。 ...ただ良い下着はなかったわね. What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
I dreamed that I was in the woods ... and it was raining the shit flies.[CN] 我梦到了我在森林里 ... 下着雨还有那些飞翔的东西 Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1987)
It's pouring.[CN] 外面下着大雨你会淋湿的 The Apartment (1996)
Give us our toilet seats, our tampons, our underwear and anything else you stole when you broke into our house.[JP] 便座を返すのよ。 タンポンと下着も 家を壊して盗んだ物全部よ Brotherhood (2010)
So people were sewn[JP] 人々は 下着を The Man from Earth (2007)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
下着[したぎ, shitagi] Unterwaesche [Add to Longdo]


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