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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
蝿叩き[はえたたき, haetataki] (n) ไม้ตีแมลงวัน
得体の知れない[えたいのしれない, etainoshirenai] (adj) ยากจะอ่านออก, ยากจะมองออก, ยากจะเข้าใจ, ไม่รู้ลึกตื้นหนาบาง

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
そびえ立つ;聳え立つ[そびえたつ, sobietatsu] (v5t) to stand towering over the surrounds [Add to Longdo]
栄えた時代[さかえたじだい, sakaetajidai] (n) prosperous age [Add to Longdo]
我が意を得たり;わが意を得たり[わがいをえたり, wagaiwoetari] (exp) that's just what I thought; that's exactly like I feel; that's exactly what I think, too [Add to Longdo]
甘えた調子で[あまえたちょうしで, amaetachoushide] (exp) in a coquettish tone [Add to Longdo]
刑部省[ぎょうぶしょう;うたえただすつかさ;うたえのつかさ, gyoubushou ; utaetadasutsukasa ; utaenotsukasa] (n) (1) (ぎょうぶしょう only) Ministry of Justice (1869-1871 CE); (2) (See 律令制) Ministry of Justice (under the ritsuryo system) [Add to Longdo]
庚辰[かのえたつ;こうしん, kanoetatsu ; koushin] (n) (See 干支) seventeenth of the sexagenary cycle [Add to Longdo]
甲辰[きのえたつ;こうしん, kinoetatsu ; koushin] (n) (See 干支) 41st of the sexagenary cycle [Add to Longdo]
冴えた色[さえたいろ, saetairo] (n) bright color; bright colour [Add to Longdo]
冴えた夜[さえたよる, saetayoru] (n) crisp and cold night [Add to Longdo]
時を得た[ときをえた, tokiwoeta] (exp, adj-f) timely [Add to Longdo]
煮え立つ[にえたつ, nietatsu] (v5t, vi) to boil; to come to a boil [Add to Longdo]
煮え滾る;煮えたぎる[にえたぎる, nietagiru] (v5r, vi) to boil; to be boiling hot; to be on a rolling boil [Add to Longdo]
消えた火[きえたひ, kietahi] (n) dead fire [Add to Longdo]
心臓に毛が生えた[しんぞうにけがはえた, shinzounikegahaeta] (exp) brazen-faced; completely impudent [Add to Longdo]
人知を超えた[じんちをこえた, jinchiwokoeta] (exp) beyond human understanding [Add to Longdo]
壬辰[みずのえたつ;じんしん, mizunoetatsu ; jinshin] (n) (See 干支) twenty-ninth of the sexagenary cycle [Add to Longdo]
水を得た魚[みずをえたうお, mizuwoetauo] (exp) in one's element [Add to Longdo]
数え立てる[かぞえたてる, kazoetateru] (v1, vt) to enumerate; to count up [Add to Longdo]
得たり[えたり, etari] (exp) (id) I've got it [Add to Longdo]
得たりや応と[えたりやおうと, etariyaouto] (exp) (See 得たり賢しと) readily; very eagerly; without moment's hesitation [Add to Longdo]
得たり顔;得顔(io)[えたりがお, etarigao] (n) (arch) (See 得意顔) triumphant look [Add to Longdo]
得たり賢しと[えたりかしこしと, etarikashikoshito] (exp) readily; very eagerly; without moment's hesitation [Add to Longdo]
得体[えたい, etai] (n) nature; character [Add to Longdo]
得体が知れない[えたいがしれない, etaigashirenai] (exp, adj-i) (1) (See 得体の知れない) strange (when used to modify the following noun); unfamiliar; mysterious; suspicious; (exp) (2) (See 得体) to not know the true nature [Add to Longdo]
得体の知れない[えたいのしれない, etainoshirenai] (adj-i) strange; unfamiliar; mysterious; suspicious [Add to Longdo]
燃え立つ;燃立つ[もえたつ, moetatsu] (v5t, vi) to blaze up; to burn up [Add to Longdo]
蝿叩き;ハエ叩き[ハエたたき(ハエ叩き);はえたたき(蝿叩き), hae tataki ( hae tataki ); haetataki ( hae tataki )] (n) fly swatter [Add to Longdo]
肥えた土[こえたつち, koetatsuchi] (n) rich (fertile) soil [Add to Longdo]
肥たご;肥担桶[こえたご, koetago] (n) (See 肥桶) night-soil bucket; honey bucket [Add to Longdo]
丙辰[ひのえたつ;へいしん, hinoetatsu ; heishin] (n) (See 干支) 53rd of the sexagenary cycle [Add to Longdo]
萌え立つ[もえたつ, moetatsu] (v5t) to burst into leaf; to sprout [Add to Longdo]
末頼もしい[すえたのもしい, suetanomoshii] (adj-i) promising (future) [Add to Longdo]
無為に費えた年月[むいについえたとしつき, muinitsuietatoshitsuki] (n) years spent idly [Add to Longdo]
穢多(ateji)[えた, eta] (n) (vulg) (See 被差別部落民) one group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system (people whose work usually involved handling human bodies or animal carcasses) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
"Yes, I was," said the student.「いいえ、いました」とその学生は答えた。
"No," he said in a determined manner.「いやだ」ときっぱりした態度でこたえた。
"Let me ask you something, Dad," she began, in a tone of patiently controlled exasperation that every experienced parent is familiar with.「お父さん、質問してもいい?」と彼女は経験を積んだ親なら誰でもおなじみの、我慢強く苛立ちを抑えた調子で口火を切った。
"The key," he added, "is in the lock".「かぎは錠前に差し込んである」と、彼は付け加えた。
"No, I don't," said Mr Jordan.「はい、ありません」とジョーダンさんは答えた。
"Yes, I did," he said.「はい、聞いていました」とジョーダンさんは答えた。
"I do not regret having gone into the forest and up the mountain," replied the younger brother.「わたしは森の中に入って、山に駆け上がったことを後悔していない。」と弟は答えた。
"That's fine," replied the girl. "I'll take ten yards."「安いですね。じゃあ10ヤードください。」小娘が答えた。
"Have you finished it?" "On the contrary, I've just begun."「君はそれを終えたか」「とんでもない、始めたばかりだ」 [ M ]
I am Japanese, answered the boy.「私は日本人です」とその少年は答えた。
The fire is out.火が消えた。
"I can make it to my class on time," he thought.「時間通りに、自分の教室に旨く行き着くことができる」と彼は考えた。
"You can get it at the courthouse," the clerk added.「都庁舎でもらえますよ」と係員が付け加えた。
Ten houses were burned down.10軒の家がすっかり燃えた。
The fine arts flourished in Italy in the 15th century.15世紀のイタリアでは美術が栄えた。
We could see the summit of a mountain twenty miles away.20マイル先に山の頂上が見えた。
The alarm was heard ringing at an early hour on the second floor.2階で朝早い時間に警報器が鳴っているのが聞こえた。
Love began to grow between the two.2人の間に愛が芽生えた。
The two boys cooked their meal between them.2人の兄弟は協力して食事をこしらえた。
Two policemen arrested a burglar. They caught him sneaking into Mrs. Miller's.2人の警官は夜盗を逮捕した。2人は夜盗がミラー夫人宅にしのび込もうとした現場を押さえたのだ。
Fifty years ago anyone could have bought the land.50年前だったら、だれでもその土地を買えただろう。
I want to finish this work by five.5時までにこの仕事を終えたいな。
Something looking like a UFO made a sudden turn then disappeared into the distant sky.UFOらしき物体はガクンと方向を変え、空のかなたに消えた。
The Irishman replies.アイルランド人は答えた。
His beard made him look older by ten years.あごひげが、ある為に彼は10歳ほど実際よりふけてみえた。
A form appeared from over there.あそこから人影が見えた。
What I can't make out is why you have changed your mind.あなたが決心を変えた理由が私にはわからない。
I mistook you for your brother.あなたと君の兄弟を間違えた。 [ M ]
It was very nice seeing you again.あなたにまた会えたのでとてもうれしかったです。
I will make up for the damage I did to your car.あなたの車に与えた損害は私が償います。
Your car exceeded the speed limit.あなたの車は制限速度を超えた。
As soon as you have done that, I would like you to start preparing supper.あなたは、それをやり終えたらすぐに、夕食の準備を始めていただきたい。
When did you finish writing the report?あなたはいつそのレポートを書き終えたのですか。
Now that you have finished your work, you are free to go home.あなたはもう仕事を終えたのだから家に帰るのは自由だ。
You seem to have thought of something else.あなたは何かほかのことを考えたようですね。
You had better prepare for the future.あなたは将来に備えたほうがよい。
You got the date wrong when you were filling in the check.あなたは小切手に書き込む時に、日付を間違えた。
I mistook you for my brother.あなたを兄と間違えた。
I wish I could buy that guitar.あのギターが買えたらなあ。
I wish I could buy that house cheap.あの家が安く買えたらなあ。
My heart aches for those starving children.あの飢えた子供たちを思う心が痛む。
Our meeting like that is probably the kind of thing that only happens once.あの人と巡り会えたのは、一期一会なのでしょうか。
It was a full moon that it was seen that day.あの日見えたのは満月でした。
We captured cicadas with a net.あみでせみを捕まえた。
Americans accumulated their trade deficits by living far beyond their means.アメリカ人が貿易赤字を累積したのは、限度を超えたぜいたくをしたからですよ。
I give her all the money I had.ありったけの金を彼女に与えた。
If a tree dies, plant another in its place.ある樹が枯れたら、その場所に、もう1本植えたまえ。
One man was seen digging with his bare hands.ある人が素手で掘っているのが見えた。
Alex seemed to learn nouns such as "paper," "key" and "cork," and color names such as "red," "green" and "yellow."アレックスは「紙」「鍵」「コルク」のような名詞や、「赤」「緑」「黄色」のような色の名も覚えたように見えた。
You've got the wrong station.アンタ駅を間違えたようだぜ。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Go on. Yell out if you see them come around the front.[JP] 行って 奴らが見えたら 君は前から逃げろ Straw Dogs (1971)
Why don't you try taking your wife's advice and clear out for a while?[JP] 血に飢えた残虐な パラノイヤの殺人鬼 Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
"Because they have a lot of clouds.[JP] "雲が多いから"って 答えたのよね You're in Love, Charlie Brown (1967)
On June 12, the armies of Western Europe crossed the Russian border, and the war began, [JP] 6月12日西欧の軍隊が ロシア国境を越えた そして戦争が始まった War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
Why, in my day, you could buy meat anywhere. Eggs, they had. Real butter.[JP] 昔は肉が買えた 卵も本物のバターも新鮮なレタスも Soylent Green (1973)
She run, he run after her, and now she's missing.[JP] 逃げるのを追いかけて どこかに消えた Straw Dogs (1971)
- Now, you heard me, out of here.[JP] -聞こえただろ? The Graduate (1967)
Please, don't, Mama! I don't want to think about him.[JP] やめてお母様 考えたくもない War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
I don't think it's been done like this for 40 years.[JP] 40年の人生が終わったと 考えたくありません Grand Prix (1966)
Perhaps you will stop loving me... I know I shouldn't talk about that.[JP] いいえただ1つだけ War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
Must be pretty bad. I could see the flames clear over at my place.[JP] オレのところからも 燃えているのが見えた The Crazies (1973)
When it comes? What did you tell him?[JP] 君はどう答えた Chinatown (1974)
I just had them installed on Wednesday. Whoo. Down the hatch.[JP] 水曜に替えたばかりだ 飲めよ ひでえ女だ Chinatown (1974)
It's gonna be great. And we'll do this and that.[JP] 考えただけでも ワクワクするな You're in Love, Charlie Brown (1967)
I don't like the odds. banana nose deals sliders.[JP] この勝負は気にいらん バナナ鼻が カードをすり替えた Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
I suppose what's wrong with me is my life.[JP] 僕は人生を 間違えたと思うんだ Grand Prix (1966)
- We heard some shooting.[JP] 銃声が聞こえた The Crazies (1973)
When we first come out here, he figured if you dumped water into the desert sand and let it percolate down to the bedrock, it would stay there instead of evaporate like it does in most reservoirs.[JP] 最初にここに来た時 彼は砂漠に 水を注ごうと考えた 下の岩盤まで浸透すれば Chinatown (1974)
Remember the hay-Ioft that burned down at the farm?[JP] 干し草置き場が燃えたろ? The Mirror (1975)
First of all, I bring a personal message from Dr. Howell who has asked me to convey his deepest appreciation to all of you for the many sacrifices you have had to make.[JP] まず最初に ハウエル博士からの メッセージを伝えたい 多大な犠牲を強いられた諸君に―― 博士は深く感謝しておられる 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Do you remember the story of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins and Captain Miles Standish?[JP] スタンディッシュの告白を ジョンがプリシラに伝えた話 A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)
I couldn't sleep.[JP] なにか聞こえた Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
But we could get known. If we shared a room.[JP] でも知り合えた可能性は充分にあったね。 Live for Life (1967)
Sometimes he consoled himself that the life he led was a temporary thing.[JP] "こんな生活は当座のことだ" と彼は考えた War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
She's pregnant. I was afraid for the child.[JP] 胎児のことを考えた The Crazies (1973)
I'm lifting the tension from your hands and your speech. One, two, three![JP] 私を見て 今度3つ数えたら 手も動くし 話もできるわよ The Mirror (1975)
On my count of three your hands will become immobile.[JP] 私が3つ数えたら 動かなくなるわよ The Mirror (1975)
- I thought-[JP] - 考えたのに... Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
Listen. Someone's back![JP] なにか聞こえた Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
To bad we never got together, Marshal.[JP] やっと会えたな 会いたかったよ 連邦保安官 Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
No. I was just thinking.[JP] いや ちょっと考えたんだが The Graduate (1967)
But I can't change it. Or won't.[JP] でも、変えられないし、 変えたくもない Grand Prix (1966)
The seagull I had is gone, you know.[JP] よく会えたね Turkish Delight (1973)
Rocky, I go away for two seconds, and you change your name from Goon to Rocky, huh?[JP] 俺が 留守のあいだに グーンからロッキーに 名前を変えたのか? Buffalo '66 (1998)
What's wrong with your life?[JP] 何を間違えたの? Grand Prix (1966)
I'm afraid I've got the wrong address.[JP] あら 家をまちがえたわ The Mirror (1975)
Did you see him?[JP] あの方が見えたの? War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
- We got another missing patrol, sir.[JP] 別のパトロール隊と連絡が途絶えた The Crazies (1973)
I just didn't want to explain anything.[JP] 何も答えたくなかったの Chinatown (1974)
We understand each other?[JP] わかりあえたかも 知れんぞ? Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
They got away...[JP] 奴らは消えた... What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
- Hadn't thought about it.[JP] 考えたこともないな Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
Under the influence of wine he would say to himself: "I'll get it straightened out. I have a solution already.[JP] "問題ない解決できる" と彼は考えた War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
- So you did want to?[JP] - 考えた事も? - そりゃ少しは。 Live for Life (1967)
Benjamin, I want to apologize if that's the impression you got.[JP] そう聞こえたなら 謝るわ The Graduate (1967)
you know.[JP] シュローダーには悪いけど― 初めてもらえたんだ Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown (1975)
I just never wanted.[JP] 考えた事もない。 Live for Life (1967)
I think you have dropped on the wrong car.[JP] そこで間違えたって訳だ。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
Tell me, did you foreclose on many families this week?[JP] じゃあ今週は 何軒の家を差押さえた? Chinatown (1974)
Ah yes, and you're thinking this fairy is gonna jump on a chair and scream bloody murder if he sees a mouse.[JP] なにか用? 間違えたみたいだ 私立探偵のアロッソを Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
データ暗号化規格[でえたあんごうかきく, deetaangoukakiku] data encryption standard (DES) [Add to Longdo]
プロプライエタリ[ぷろぷらいえたり, puropuraietari] proprietary [Add to Longdo]


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